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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. It most certainly does talk about these things. I'm down for a watch party
  2. Absolutely agree - no doubt about that. I was bringing that up because I was unaware of that fact - it wasn't meant to detract from the overall point. Conventional wisdom in business says that it's a lot cheaper to retain your current clients than it is to gain new ones. I think similarly about wrestling programs. For every dollar it takes to launch a new program, the same dollar would seemingly go a lot further in keeping a current program afloat. It's exciting to see Lindenwood, Queens College, Bellarmine, etc. joining the D1 ranks, but at the same time we have seen Fresno State, Old Dominion, among others which have folded up. From the perspective of college wrestling (not from the perspective of any individual team), I don't think its an efficient way of spending wrestling money (closing and opening programs). Adding stability to existing programs would be my preference.
  3. Wrestlestat does not show Chance Rich on the team for next year. The teams lone national qualifier from last year has one year of eligibility remaining.
  4. At one point last year, Bastida weighed in at 197 and then bumped up to heavyweight to defeat Lewis Fernandes (the guy is no slouch, certainly). That alone gives some hope that he may be able to make the jump. An off-season of muscle building and weight gain should help. I'll be rooting for him.
  5. I can personally guarantee it.
  6. I actually watched that superbowl (Giants vs Patriots) at a hotel bar in Rio de Janeiro in the company of several members of the undefeated Dolphins team. They were thrilled when the Giants won.
  7. I've done a few national tournament projections on Wrestlestat. You enter results for each weight class and then it adds up the team score for you. In almost every case, Penn State was roughly double the points of the second place team. Since we know Penn State will win - the interesting question is - who does come second? Nebraska? Ohio State? Missouri? Cornell? ASU? NC State? Virginia Tech?
  8. Also Dean Hamiti was guaranteed to beat Alex Marinelli and Jesse Mendez to beat Roman Bravo Young. But in general I agree.
  9. I say yes he is a threat to win. 157 may be deep but I think there is a decent amount of parity at the top
  10. I'm not glossing over. I break rules all the time hoping not to get caught (nothing serious obviously) I acknowledged he made a decision to do so and it didn't work out for him. For that I feel bad for him. I don't think sports gambling is that big of a deal outside your own sport. Hope the NCAA reconsiders their rule for the future or draws a reasonable line for what's considered de minimis
  11. I'm not saying the NCAA should decide not to enforce their rules, I'm just saying i don't think the crime as written, fits the penalty in many cases. Of course he could know that would be a possibility for him but I still think it sucks and feel bad for him as a result. Funny because I never particularly rooted for him as a wrestler.
  12. If a rule of law doesn't make sense, people will make a value judgment in which they compared the severity of the penalty combined with the likelihood of being caught with how they value their freedom to partake in activities which would break those laws. In this case, because I believe this crime was not egregious, I feel empathy that he has to face what I view is an overly heavy-handed penalty. If someone believes that this is an outrageous crime for which a year of lost eligibility is appropriate, I would be curious to hear their rationale. The insider information piece has been covered by Vak already. Anything else we're missing?
  13. for your top chart which is the cumulative AA time series by team - I would be curious if the slope of the last five years or so was applied to the future - at what point is PSU expected to overtake Iowa and Oklahoma State.
  14. amazing work as usual. thanks brother
  15. Some people are wired to be rule followers instead of rule questioners. I guess we need both types of people, but it can be frustrating to interact with those who are not willing to think critically.
  16. Seems like it's coming up on a month since Koll took the job in the next week or so. Interesting it doesn't seem anyone has used the opportunity to enter the portal from either Stanford or UNC side so far. Wonder if we hear anything in the next week.
  17. Sounds like it's an Olympic redshirt and he is on Italys roster.
  18. Jacob Bullock, Indiana heavyweight to redshirt Nick Willham to start
  19. No island brother. I'm with you. Well maybe it's an archipelago
  20. dont forget @jajensen09
  21. Copied from Iowa State board. The following wrestlers failed their hydration test while attempting to qualify for the accompanying weight. They still have time to figure it out and requalify, but as expressed on the Iowa state board, this likely means that Echemendia is not touching 141 and that Gaitan has put on the requisite weight for his weight class after being undersized last year. Kysen Terukina 125 M RS Jr. 0-0 Drew Woodley 141 M RS Jr. 0-0 Anthony Echemendia 149 M RS So. 0-0 Paniro Johnson 149 M So. 0-0 Andrew Huddleston 157 M RS Jr. 0-0 Caden Schmidt 165 M Jr. 0-0 Ben Monroe 165 M RS Jr. 0-0 MJ Gaitan 174 M RS Fr. 0-0 Colby Runner 184 M Fr. 0-0
  22. I posted a laughing reaction to this, but actually... his persona fits the character of the school
  23. Good news for South Dakota State fans- and of course for Dubuque and Princeton
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