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Everything posted by D3UC157

  1. The curse is lifted!
  2. Not sure but I believe Josh Budke is on the seeding committee and likes to remind Tom, “You get what you earn”.
  3. Among the 10, which is most likely to bonus? I’m thinking Yianni with a major maybe?
  4. Look at everything Yianni has accomplished sans triceps.
  5. Who wins the B1G vs Everyone dual match? B1G lineup: Lee RBY Woods Sasso Haines Hamiti Starocci Brooks Allred Parris
  6. Aaron Nagao got slept on until he popped himself in the B1G finals and rode RBY. Kid is a monster on top.
  7. That’s one strange fellow.
  8. Wowwww. Dead to rights.
  9. They’re just multi-vitamins!
  10. Pushing out is one of the stalling calls is it not?
  11. Faison with a hell of an effort.
  12. Which weight did they start at?
  13. Classic Kerk late match maneuvering.
  14. Labriola off the list
  15. Down goes Robb
  16. Cardinale and M. Carr, off you go. We’ll lose at least one more with 174 this evening. 125 Lee Glory 133 Fix RBY 141 Woods Alirez 149 157 Robb O’Conor Humphreys 165 Carr 174 Labriola Starocci 184 197 Bonaccorsi 285 Parris
  17. Facundo, Bartlett, and Van Ness are getting strapped to chairs and forced to watch: Taylor, Retherford, Nolf, Nickal, Ruth, Wright, etc, tapes all spring/summer/fall, until their eyes bleed and they understand the assignment. Offense. A.k.a. Fun.
  18. Saw it as well. Can confirm
  19. Nagao on top removes souls.
  20. We were wrong. Dan Magee, not Patrick McKee
  21. Nah, at this point he’s gotten over people spelling his name incorrectly.
  22. Buddy Lee, of Lee jeans fame?
  23. Special guest referee? Comes down to interfere via a chair shot? Escorts Kerk/Cass to the mat with a megaphone spouting how the opponent has no nuts?Hiding under the ring to make his appearance as Mason Parris’ long, lost, thought-to-be-dead, brother!? I think we should wait to see how this plays out.
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