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Everything posted by jmoney

  1. 197 is stacked in the top 4 spots. Beard and Sloan (in spite of their losses) have built up tremendous resumes- Beard's is one of bonus and Sloan's is one of wrestling the whole top 25 dominantly.
  2. They should bust up the national tourney bracket also if they stay so low. Lewan is criminally low given his affinity for Sudden victory advancements.
  3. 125 Ayala 2, Smith 5 DeAugustino 9, Davis 10, Camacho 18 - NC STATE WEAK 133 Ragusin 4, Orine 5, Nagao 8, Van Dee 12, Schriever 31- IOWA WEAK, NEBRASKA WEAK 141 Bartlett 1, Woods 3, Hardy 6, Lemley 7, Jack 8 149 Lovett 1, Gomez 4, Arrington 5, Kasak 9, Rathjen 13 157 Haines 1, Scott 5, Franek 9, Robb 11, Lewan 16 165 Mesenbrink 5, Caliendo 7, Amine 9, Taylor 12, Fields 15- NC ST, NEBRASKA WEAK 174 Starocci 1, Griffith 3, Kennedy 5, Wilson 47, Faison 53- NC ST, NEBRASKA WEAK 184 Pinto 5, Truax 8, Fishback 9, Bullock 24, Riggins 57- IOWA WEAK, MICHIGAN WEAK 197 Brooks 1, Hidlay 2, Allred 10, Glazier 13, Striggow 99- MICHIGAN WEAK 285 Kerkvliet 1, Davison 6, Trephan 10, Hill 28, Hutmacher 102- NEBRASKA WEAK, IOWA WEAK Michigan is weak at 2 NC ST/Iowa are weak at 3 Nebraska is weak at 4 PSU Michigan NC-ST Iowa Nebraska 125 12 7 12 3 6 133 6 4 7 20 12 141 2 7 8 5 4 149 12 7 6 8 1 157 3 6 5 7 8 165 3 12 20 8 16 174 1 6 DNP 12 DNP 184 4 DNP 8 DNP 6 197 1 DNP 3 7 12 285 1 4 12 20 DNP
  4. Possible meetings before conference 2/23 Flynn v Camacho 2/25 Ayala v Spratley Surtin v Terukina
  5. New top 10 1 Ramos 2 Ayala 3 Spratley 4 Stanich 5 Smith 6 Flynn 7 Kaylor 8 Surtin 9 DeAugustino 10 Davis
  6. Flynn has defeated Surtin, Provo, Ungar, Sotelo, Moore and lost to Barnett by 1 and Stanich by 2 Barnett has defeated Flynn, Smith, McCrone, Hendricsen and lost to Terukina, Stanich, Ramos and McKee. It's not apples to apples but I'll take Flynn's resume.
  7. I consider any outcome and even gave Davis a loss for that obvious L he took to Ohio State. That said, after seeing multiple top ranked D2-3 guys get regularly teched by D1 mid tier guys I don’t know which D2/3 guys are truly special to be honest.
  8. Barnett and McKee just haven’t wrestled well in tough matches this season. They do have some nice peak wins I gave them credit for.
  9. Thanks, yeah you motivated me to create a ranking because I have found the Stanich/Camacho/DeAugustino/Davis/Surtin rankings really off all season long. I feel like this weight has had the most volatility all season. I think maybe 197 will be unpredictable again too.
  10. If the best versions of Noto, Kaylor, Surtin, Camacho, Smith, McKee, Barnett, DeAugustino show up at NCAA, it's really gonna shake thing up in the consolation brackets!
  11. I think the Over/Under Line has to be around 4.75 to 5.25 . If Barnett, McKee, Smith, or DeAugustino show more consistency it's definitely trending towards 5.25
  12. I created my own rankings using these metrics today. I am curious to see how well this predicts All Americans. 30% weight on GRIT (performance in top level matches) 20% weight on Best Win Quality against ranked guys 15% weight on Recent Performances last month 13% weight on Hammer rating (how much you destroy opposition measured taking into account strength of your opposition) 12% weight on Consistency (how your win% pairs up with your strength of schedule) 10% weight on Strength of Schedule This gives me 3 tiers of guys A TIER 1 Ramos 387, 2 Ayala 385, 3 Spratley 357, 4 Stanich 345 B TIER 5 Flynn 311, 6 Davis 297, 7 Smith 285 C TIER 8 DeAugustino 267, 9 Poulin 260, 10 Provo252, 11(TIE) Jordan/Surtin 250, 13 Kaylor 244, 14 Noto 242, 15 Volk 240 D TIER 16 McKee 206, 17 Barnett 202, 18 Camacho 195
  13. I'm so confused what's happening here
  14. I agree that Metcalf doesn't have hard feelings towards Iowa. I also have watched a Gilman video suggesting he doesn't have hard feelings towards Iowa. I could see Gilman getting hot headed for awhile about the competitive situation arising there, but his decision made a lot of sense. I don't know him personally so I couldn't say if he actually holds a grudge. Penn State offered superior training opportunities in my opinion free from Spencer Lee's eyes and ears. If Metcalf hated Iowa, he doubtfully would coach at Iowa State and have to hold that annual dual where Iowa State gets smoked. I think Metcalf meant that "ra-ra Iowa rules" is the Iowa culture and "us against them" is sacrosanct there. I also think he probably was implying that he needed some mental growth and stuff that maybe he wasn't getting there or needed to grow something he was missing. Iowa having Terry Brands as a coach is going to eliminate a lot of growth opportunities for top Iowa grads. I don't think Iowa needs both Brands brothers. They do need some variety.
  15. Thanks for the update. I hope he continues to heal well. I like what he said about enjoying the break from the B1G grind. Hope he’s eating all the food.
  16. Just caught this dual and I loved the Spratley-Surtin match. What scrambling! 125 is going to have a lot of great matches especially in the consolation round. I’m going to have to set aside an extra 3 hours to watch them all !!
  17. I think so too
  18. He’s definitely wrestling tough this year.
  19. imaginary numbers are helpful for things like electrical processes, but they aren't so helpful projecting PSU final placing.
  20. I agree with TylerDurden and Vak that people's perceptions are skewed to ask "what have you done for me lately more than ever." It explains exaggerated feelings with increasing regularity prematurely. My example of a senior becoming conditioned like a Pavlov's dog in just 6 years' time is a testament to the expectant observer's state of mind.
  21. This 71 year old senior I know got his first email-texting cell phone around 2017. He went from expecting to hear from me biweekly over email to expecting me to communicate bidaily. The head coaching jobs of the NFL are good examples of the immediacy demanded.
  22. If Nvidia falls 50% over next 18 months will they can their CEO who has created 1200% growth in 5 years? Answer: unlikely.
  23. Indeed! Him and Camacho both have strong resumes. Trombley last year defeated Jore Volk, Jaret Lane, AA Ventresca x 2, C Camacho x2, Peterson, Surtin. He lost in OT to Ramos and Noto. If Camacho had a 35% chance to AA, Trombley has a 15% chance. Compare that to the Hawkeyes starting Ybarra when Ayala was hurt or the Nittany Lions. Depth rankings at 125: 1) V Tech Flynn, Ventresca 2) NC State Trombley, Camacho 3) Lehigh Stanich, Sheldon 4) Cornell Ungar, Diakhimaholis 5) Ohio State Kilkeary, McCrone
  24. Go for it. That was an L if I’ve ever seen one. And it wasn’t an off night that Killcleary guy killed it.
  25. He looked like he was hanging on for the W from around the 4th minute. Possibly winded ? At the end he made some desperation attack and it looked like his feet wouldn’t move at the pace he was used to expecting them. Maybe that Midlands injury messed him up. I didn’t see that match. I wasn’t impressed with this performance at all.
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