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Everything posted by RegularStalling

  1. I think they took Negron out of the lineup to avoid another shelling. He’s a gone through the gauntlet as of late. Norfleet must still be coming back from the concussion he got in Vegas.
  2. Chase Saldate just lost to Stanford’s backup at 157. He was one of my favorite guys from the 2020 class. Chase had a solid true Freshman year and has plateaued/regressed since then. What is going on at Michigan State?
  3. Good lord, Michigan State is having a rough one.
  4. Was really hoping Luka Wick would be a cornerstone for the program. He’s been underwhelming so far.
  5. I’ve thought about the possibility of Courtney medical redshirting. If they could pull that off maybe they could slide Courtney to 33s next year.
  6. Figueroa is ranked #7 by flo. Do we see Courtney at midlands?
  7. I agree, but I think it’s close enough for them to justify going with Figueroa. Figueroa would be a threat to AA, and from what it sounds like, benching him may not go over too well. I don’t know if losing 3 years of Figs for one last year of Courtney is a risk Zeke is willing to take.
  8. If Richie runs the table we may never see Brandon Courtney in a Sun Devil singlet again…
  9. That’s bold. Prior to last weekend I would have disagreed entirely. I still think Courtney’s a level above and that it’s ultimately his spot to lose, but if Richie goes to Vegas and puts together top 4 finish or so, things get really interesting.
  10. Have to mention Richie Figs. Yes he’ll ultimately be a backup, but 3 top 20 wins in the first couple weeks of the season is definitely a solid start.
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