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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. Is the whole family going to be employed by Iowa?
  2. If he does choose Iowa, Brands ego is going to explode.
  3. When everyone had the same inflection in their voice and sounded just like the Brands boys, they always seemed pissed, mashing dudes face in the mat oob. It was a moxy thing. Other teams would fear them. It doesn't seem like there's an Iowa style anymore.
  4. The kid is a beast. He and Haines have been with DT at MM for years. He should be the new #1. His resume is as good or better than Shapiro's.
  5. There were no surprises in the dual. One observation, why does Beau Bartlett have to keep every match in suspense until the last minute. He will wrestle to a 3 point decision if he's wrestling #1 or number 230 ranked wrestlers.
  6. I haven't read anything in this thread, but I just watched The duel, nothing shocking, I think van ness and lovett could go either way every time they wrestle, all I'd lovett scoring was in the last minute. the only thing is stuck out to me was Kasak is a badass. Obviously, winning eight on the backside last year is amazing, but the kid is are st
  7. I'd take a brown bear over the lower primates and a tiger over a brown bear and an elephant to crush them all. But a 50 Caliber will take care of whats left,.
  8. You know that started out as a joke right? He posted a pic of a chimp on Instagram and how they learned sign language, and despite knowing sign language they had still never asked a question. He said how can they develop a fight strategy if they can't ask questions. "And y'all still think a chimp is beating me in a fight...How is he suppose to develop a strategy to win? What's his sytem? @coachbarryrobinson."
  9. He was trying to keep up with Nolf for the team pin record, ref didn't call it.
  10. The podcast is often unwachable. This one is worth the time. They say "Like" alot to start but it gets better.
  11. Carter has always played the heel, and he's been brash, but he backs it up like noboody else and his one on one interviews when he's not doing the hype BS and playing a character, he is likeable.
  12. This is a worth a listen. By far the best show they have done. It's got some pretty insightful content they touch on the dynamics of the team, coaching staff, Gratitude, NIL, Culture, Dynasty, PSU's best team, going for 5. Carter is a sharp kid. Love or Hate PSU it's a pretty interesting discussion.
  13. Zain Barry Davis Clar Anderson Q Wright Nolf Nickel Cael Ruth Kolat Hasselrig Lewboo Cenzo Askren Jim Jordan
  14. Yes, He majored Sealey at the Ironman. They Sealey was #1 at 160 and Ferrari was #1 at 170. He gave up alot of size.
  15. I thought this thread was about backups this year. Next year is a whole differnt story with Duke and Blaze likely title threats out of the gate. The talent this year is amazing, next year is just rude.
  16. Sealey is a blue chip recruit. I'm thinking he's a big improvement over Dunbar, It sounds like he is ready to go according to Cael. I don't need Pyles blathering or WS about who is going to be good. I listen when Cael and some of the established guys drop hints about how good guys are going to be. I remember when Cael was talking about Cassar when he was coming back from Injury and Cael said Cassar is good, Real Good. and Starocci and Brooks talking about Barr last year. they both said that kid is going to be the next Multi time champ.
  17. Joe Sealey at 165, sounds like he;s ready to compete. Cael said he is as advertised.
  18. Welch Obviously.
  19. I was hesitant to download this google extension, and I hadn't posted here essentially since the ads took over. I downloaded Pie, it's a great app. cuts the bull*I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* on youtube and makes this site normal again. Try it if the ads are still a prob for ya. It doesn't suck
  20. Obviously you aren't aware that Black kids don't know what computers are.
  21. So it isn't just me. Nice to hear. and I agree with Madmardigan that it seems alot harder to catch a match here and there. I'm thankful for those Indian dudes that post matches followed by a pottery video.
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