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Everything posted by ScarletKnight

  1. Is it just a seed? Does it matter more at weights without a world placer? Why wouldn't Burroughs, Suriano, Gilman, yanni, nolf do this to improve their chances at making thr Olympic team?
  2. Do u have a link. I've seen a lot of college kids get way more jacked up in college. Kind of like the David Taylor transformation after college
  3. Wonder what happened to Cooper Flynn. He lost to ventresca las year on a 1 second riding time differential
  4. Why didn't he wrestle today? Is he too big for 125? I expected Howard to do better and wondered why he was even in the B pool
  5. Why? McGonagle a senior. Would Crookham be charged for this year anyways?
  6. I don't think Imart, dierenger, McFadden, Mastellar can make the Olympic weight. So he will have to beat Nolf to get to Dake. Dake was never going to be easy but he's beaten him a ton of times already
  7. I don't see him beating Glory or Suriano. He won't take either of them down to attempt a gut
  8. They put all their focus into the 2 previous finalists and the rest of the team suffered. But they and other ivies can get good recruits and now the coaches can focus on other people.
  9. I just asked and this did happen like you said, but he said he wasn't looking to leave.
  10. yup
  11. ok - like I said, just because he doesn't say that's the reason he left doesn't mean it didn't happen. I just know what he tells people
  12. I know someone who talked to him and he explained a different reason for leaving. Of course if your reason is right, he probably wouldn't repeat it.
  13. Howard 133 maybe? Wasn't it rumored that in 2021 it took him half thr season to get his weight down? They are also getting Braiden Davis. I don't see Noto leaving either.
  14. A near mistake was Hilday cut Soldano looking for the major and almost got put on his back. Jaja. After that he didn't really shoot again and let the time run out for a major decision
  15. Does Iowa scout or game plan at all? Or do they spend every minute on strength and conditioning and live goes? Just a bad look for the program. Guys are overworked and injured I know a starter for Iowa from a few years ago (a name everyone would know here) who said he was always tired and sore from their practices. When Ramos made the national team in freestyle years ago (the time he committed to Minnesota), I feel like he was doing that head pinch a lot. And I think he tried it against glory once but the element of surprise was gone Ramos was beating Spencer earlier this year and as the 4 seed, they knew that match was coming. Wonder if they watched Ramos's other matches in preparation or just figured picking top was enough? Jaja Glory said he prepared for years to beat Lee. Would love to know if Iowa had spent any time preparing for glory? Probably not, maybe had Glory made the finals, they would have watched Glory's semis win.
  16. Didn't want to start a new Lee thread, but does anyone know what his injury was his junior year in HS? He just wrestled the last month of the season (11 matches, all pins and techs, only one of those 11 were not post season)
  17. Why are their last names different? Similar sounds maybe but different spelling?
  18. He was really good. The perfect Iowa wrestling style.
  19. People here at the time said it was comparment syndrome. He put on a lot of weight and wasn't as good at the heavier weight classes. He was at a HS in Minnesota (Shakopee) in between Wyoming Sem (I heard kicked out for fighting a teammate) State College He did not make it to states as a senior, he lost by DQ in the super regions in a match he was losing and being dirty (throwing punches - jaja). https://www.flowrestling.org/video/6917279-189-lbs-semifinal-carson-manville-state-college-area-vs-brooks-gable-dallastown He was #1 in junior high school for sure - and I remember him teching Pat Glory in freestyle when he was 3 grades younger and still in JHS . https://www.flowrestling.org/video/5813903-126-lbs-m-patrick-glory-vs-carson-manville-banditos
  20. Cleveland didn't have many scalpers after Thursday. Yeah I remember Pittsburgh being hard.
  21. Crazy. What was the hardest ticket to get ever, Cleveland?
  22. O'Toole and Griffith look big for that weight. Why no AOC in that picture?
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