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nhs67 last won the day on October 1 2024

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About nhs67

  • Birthday 10/18/1967

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  1. Eh, they have three NQ at 197, so they might not wrestle that? There are a few weights they have 2 NQ, correct? Those weights have to potentially suffer that scenario.
  2. The 3rd place matches have been over for 15 minutes or so. They won't start the finals for another two hours (exactly). They are starting at HWT so they can end with Focus-Little. By the time that match is over, it will be another hour and a half (guess), or so. So in 3.5-4.0 hours, Focus could have to turn around a half hour-ish later to wrestle a Munoz that has had ~4.5 hours of rest and recovery in prep for Focus. Not fair.
  3. True seconds entirely favoe the 3rd place guy trying to wrestle up, right? Since the 2nd placers would have wrestled considerably more recent as well ss the downer of coming off a losd VS a win... Not digging that.
  4. So is he wrestling today, or what?
  5. Not necessarily in an attempt to defend him, but 665 and 675 are both insane deadlifts. I know it's been four years, but we all know it has been a tumultuous four years. Improvement in that regard, hell sustainability in that regard, while also staying at a competition weight of 197lbs is impressive.
  6. I like Walker's chances against Turley. It should be a good match.
  7. Damn fine word usage there. For those in the back...
  8. I understand what you're selling there. I disagree with it myself, but I believe you're correct in that there is a current, possibly natural, bias there. Edit: To be clear, I am conceding that you are more than likely correct in your initial statement of it being because he is a PSU guy that I gave you credit for.
  9. Schriever - Olivieri is a good match. Win that and hebis wrestling as the ( 6 ) seed, essentially.
  10. Your opinion is that is the reason. That doesn't make it any more true than me being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. That isn't why I thought it went this way. I clearly laid out to you why I thought it did. Eliminating based on being lower in the CR, RPI, and having more total losses was fine by me. Using H2H between the othet two was the next logical step after 'eliminating' one of them to third. In any case, wouldn't you rather Parco get Lovett rather than Webster in the semi-finals? Being further off the scale benefits Webster more, I think. Their first match was RCH close.
  11. For those who want to play on their phone, any chance you could update the master @bracketbuster?
  12. He does, though, by fault of Virginia Tech's Henson beating Lovett, causing him to drop in the CR. CR had 2, 3, 4 in the same order as seeds (1, 2, 3). RPI had Parco (1), SVN (2), (3), (4), (5), Lovett (6). There was cause and him losing to Henson did not help his cause. Once you eliminate Lovett as the (3), then H2H is used. Edit: There is a scenario for all three at the (1). I am merely stating the clearly obvious one they ended up using.
  13. I think most thought it would be that way anyways, right?
  14. I believe these went to coaches for seedings, and they did it like rankings. When someone had the same ending points, they just listed it twice. They did the same at 157 and 165 as well. Rather than being 7, 7, 9 or 8, 8, 10 they did 7, 7, 8 and 8, 8, 9. Ridiculous.
  15. I mean... he doesn't have to find a way to lose for Smith to find a way to win. It was 2-1 TB1 for Arnold last time, and they should be a good distance further from weigh-ins this time (last time was ~3/3.5 hours yeah?).
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