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Everything posted by manatree

  1. I was having none of the issues others were having, even from the start. I wonder if ISPs were a factor? I’m on T-Mobile and I never had any problems with the site on my work’s network.
  2. Am I the only person not seeing a problem? I use CHrome on a Windows PC and Safari for iPad & IPhone. I get one pop-up ad with no sound, almost always off to the side. If it does happen to be covering up the content of the thread, one little click on the 'X' and the ad disappears.
  3. The ones that I really feel sorry for are the wrestlers for Johnson-Wales in Rhode Island, home to one of the best culinary schools in the country. Probably the only program that worries about their HWT making weight.
  4. Contact the OU Libraries. Most universities will have their old yearbooks.
  5. Why should they be under any gun? The reason for the merger is to increase revenue for football and men's basketball, not to spend money on other sports. Should Iowa & Penn State be under the gun to add water polo? As it stands, all B1G sports will be forced to spend more money with additional travel costs. Not really a big issue for a football budget, but an issue for smaller budget sports like tennis & golf.
  6. Jimmy’s taking all bets, double or nothing. If he wins, he’ll double his posts. If you win………
  7. If it's a Hawkeye on top, it's wrestling. If it's anyone else on top, it's stalling. Clear enough?
  8. One does not simply walk into Modor after a three year hiatus from wrestling.
  9. I think there’s a better chance that Iowa adds water polo before a SoCal or UCLA add wrestling.
  10. Is the treatment a pill, a shot, or amputation? All three?
  11. It happened at my high school in the 80s. Shut out a neighboring team and their heavyweight took a swing after his match and ours retaliated. Score was something along the lines of 52 to -1.
  12. Starter Pack?
  13. If you’re going to quote Emerson, at least quote him correctly. It is “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds……” Not all consistencies are foolish.
  14. Fricchione weighed in at 208 today for the Hofstra dual.
  15. Jeff Walter was on the smaller side as well. While he wrestled Hwt most of his senior year in high school, he dropped to 189 at the end of the year for the tournaments.
  16. As great as I think it is for the sport to have a B1G school to have women's wrestling, the prime/only reason that Iowa started their women's program was because they were sued for cutting other women's sports.
  17. Anything is possible, but it is not likely. It is possible that you might honor your bets, but it is not likely.
  18. These are adults with freewill, not Cold War computers running Fortran. Just because they chose to break the rules does not mean that Iowa admin was doing something very wrong.
  19. History is littered with people who have done things in spite of having the consequences effectively communicated to them. Nelson’s an adult, time to cut the apron strings.
  20. He did know better. The only way he could not have known is if he, his father, and his uncle were all complete morans.
  21. It’s the same advantage that Iowa had when Dennis took Spencer Lee with him to Rio. As long as they follow the rules, there’s no problem.
  22. Jimmy, shouldn't their new logo be a nothingburger?
  23. To be fair, in Jimmy's World there are absolutely no consequences for placing bets.
  24. Penn State employees have the option to choose the state pension system or TIAA/CREF. PSU employees are not in teh state healthcare coverage.
  25. Penn State is not a private university, but they are not a completely public university. PSU, Pitt, Temple, & Lincoln are considered as State-Affiliated and they are only partially funded by the commonwealth. For PSU, Commonwealth Appropriations typically account for 4-5% of their operating budget. 10-11% if you exclude the PSU Hershey medical system and PennTech. Penn State releases the top 25 paid employees, but it is only on their base salaries. For 2021, the lowest listed was $662,311. So we know that Sanderson's base salary is less than that. His total combined compensation is anybody's guess. On a similar note, when their football coach signed a new contract in signed a new contract in 2021, it was reported that his base salary was $500,000 and the supplemental, etc. was an additional $6,500,000 per year. Their new basketball coach supposedly signed a seven year contract that averages a combined $3,700,000 per year. https://openpayrolls.com/rank/highest-paid-employees/pennsylvania-state-university
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