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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. The organization has bailed out eight protesters so far, which has cost about $8,000, she said.


    Police reports show at least 86 protesters have been arrested since Friday. About three-fourths have been released on their own recognizance and do not have bail, Cates said.

  2. 18 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Okay, we're referencing two separate events.  Incidentally, the article you linked discusses people being arrested in the 2020 event as well.

    im not sure they are separate... continued is more like it

  3. a few weeks ago.. a clash of supposed redneck racist groups clashed.

    one group(who doesn't wear masks) unmasked a few members of the other

    many conservatives claim that the masked group is feds... and a few actually found their internet presence...


    wondering if anything ever came of that?


  4. 9 hours ago, Plasmodium said:

    From a high level, I say they should get bail.  On the practical side, they should be treated like everyone else.  If people that smash into secure facilities and assault police officers typically get bail, they should get bail.

    well, kamala harris' group paid the bail for 2020 rioters...

    and no one was ever charged or arrested(as far as i can tell ) for the continued assault on fed buildings in portland

  5. 8 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    The important thing here is that Russia absolutely, and without a doubt, made efforts to influence the election. So "Russian influence" is factual. Their efforts may have been a significant factor... or not. How successful they were is basically impossible to pin down.

    "Russian collusion", on the other hand, would involve a relationship between Trump and his campaign directly with the Russians. Collusion was never proven. May have been a "witch hunt" or maybe just didn't have enough evidence... hard to say, we just don't know.

    Given these circumstances, we've got more questions than answers. It could have been a lot of things. The only thing we know is that... we don't really know.

    The only thing we can take away from this is that the current Russian government is, without a doubt, rotten to the core and the enemy of the USA. 


    oh wait.. the 80's called...

    • Stalling 1
  6. usually all rules/laws etc  are made in response to something. remember the phrase: there oughta be a law.

    they used to get stricter as things went, and how the 'system' saw people abuse or avoid or loophole the law

    so i would guess that most bail systems have become what they are b/c you are dealing with people who aren't really caring about what the court wants them to do.

    i would guess that a person who really wants to clear his name is not going to skip bail.

    and i agree its not right for the rest of us... who might get caught up in the system... or those who can't afford the bail etc.


    im just saying... the 'system' is following the old adage... fool me once... shame on you... 

    fool me twice... shame on me. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Plasmodium said:

    More than zero.

    Also not the point.  The point is a great many are acquitted by the court system instead of being sent there in the first place.  Individual rights are supposed to be paramount.

    i agree

    it was a joke.

    must have never seen shawshank redemption


  8. 2 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Wow, you're even worse at this than I thought.  The post of the video of MTG stroking Trumps cutout,  that did not mention or respond to you in anyway, that you quoted just two hours ago and immediately started defending yourself that you don't like the "republican AOC" (yet another subtle whatabout).



    you posted the video of mtg.

    and really. i dont care to be good at this. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Plasmodium said:

    That image needs context.

    ok. who was the audience?

    adults or kids?

    supposedly there are adults in congress. 

    my position is that those kinds of images should not be shown to kids. 

    so i made a joke about those members of congress throwing a temper tantrum.. like children...




  10. 2 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Yet you felt the need to personally defend yourself, quoting a video that didn’t mention you in anyway? 

    Did I mention….you’re not very good at this? 

    quoting a video? which video did i quote...

  11. Just now, WrestlingRasta said:

    Again you’re not very good at this. Let me see if I can help you.   I didn’t say anything relating to whose problem it is, I said you’re not very good at this. Why? 

    Well you come into a thread discussing MTG with your first whatabout….schools.   That wasn’t getting the play you wanted so you went to another unrelated whatabout….immigrants in Chicago. That got about as much play as the thread you put it in originally, so you went to another what about….. immigrants in New York, stating ‘this is you’, even though the topic was MTG and porn. 

    So I guess the only question I have is…..which of these unrelated topic problems are you referring to that I don’t care about??

    when did i ever mention mtg? i said i dont like the republican aoc.. but that was well after anything we were posting about


    ok. i see the problem. the point went way over your head...as usual.


    you said you weren't worried about porn in schools b/c it wasn't in  your area.   someone else's problem.

    so i made a connection.. see.. people with brains... they can do that..   NYC mayor was all like.. we love migrants... texas you are whiny about nothing.

    then, when he found out... he was like... we can't take it... and well.. texas has a lot more than that.

    and so you... YOU will find out when it is in  your backyard..that maybe you should have done something sooner...


  12. stop committing crime. then there wont be much to be unjust about

    lol...simultaneously increase crime and deilver justice..

    yes.. im a criminal who can't afford bail.. so i get to go do harm to someone else... and this is somehow justice...

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