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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. “From now on, female transgender athletes who have transitioned after (male) puberty will be prohibited from participating in women's events on the UCI International Calendar — in all categories — in the various disciplines,” the international federation said in a statement.


    just announced. a step in the right direction

  2. im glad you brought that up.

    im not a trumper. 

    I knew in 1986 he was a fraud.

    "We got the NFL right where we want them."

    I didn't vote for trump. he is an idiot. I wish they would just ditch him.

    DeSantis seems like the way .. but at this point, im not sure either side can fix what we have.

    I am glad however,

     to see you at least admit hillary is a crook.

    • Fire 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, BobDole said:

    It really sucks when people call out you being a racist, homophobe, and flat out a jerk isn't it? People like you worried about the DEMONcrats taking away your words is so scary isn't it? Who is not letting you say whatever words you want? Remember that free speech stuff you clamor about every day?

    Funny how everything to you and your buddies is left vs. right instead of what is flat out right vs. wrong. The battle you and your Fox News brethren battle each day is hysterical. I'm sure you check under your bed every night for drag queens because that is what Fox tells you to be scared of. You're more scared of drag queens harming you than a nut case going into a school/mall/park and shooting people. Your brain is so trashed with all that crap that you can't even see the real issues facing people in this country. 

    i wasn't worried about any of this... until the drag hours in schools for kids started happening. 

    you have to read the alinsky rules... and perhaps reread 1984

    1984 is a warning. not an instruction manual.

    denying these things are happening is the problem. Once we can talk on common ground we have a chance to discuss solutions. but some people WONT see that some unsavory things are actually happening.

    and fox? no. not sure why that was brought up. I dont watch news at all.. .except for the weather once in awhile.

    • Fire 1
  4. 10 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    The answers are on both Hillary's email server and Hunter's laptop. Don't laugh - I heard it during a seance led by Madame Cure-A in Chicago. She doesn't use the internet, she's too legit for that.

    She laid it out square. She thinks we need to defund the FBI, Secret Service, and all of law enforcement. They're all the same, all in on the Q. You can't trust those people.

    She is secretly on the Dark Web, so nobody knows where she is. But I do. I can hook you up. Just PM me your Venmo ID to start the process - no money needed, not trying to profit from this. We just use that to verify who you really are. No law dogs are allowed, we make sure of that. You can trust us.


    you have actual evidence of wrong doin on both hillarys server and hunter's laptop and STILL refuse to believe anything was done wrong.

    im not surprised you think that none of these things are happening.

    • Fire 1
  5. 8 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    'birthing people' for what used to be known as 'women'... is not even remotely pervasive. But you're 100% right, that would be ridiculous.

    It isn't really happening. Just another fictitious boogie monster that fraudsters want people to worry about without any basis.

    Remember when a politician used to say that D's were going to take Christmas away? And take the suburbs away? Just another con. (Except jross - I heard he was giving away his Christmas tree just yesterday. Hope he didn't go to the dark side.)

    None of these things was or is being taken away from us. Just more fraudster BS made up to try to scare people.

    Good news is that almost nobody is scared by this stupidity. The general public has gotten too educated for these fraud scams to work.

    people in the govt are using it... so pervasive? i think so

    yes. it is happening... not in small town america yet...but the verbiage is being put out



  6. 10 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    "Bonus hole"... that's DAF. 

    Some here think that "they" are changing our language on us. But you have got to wonder who "they" are. No evidence of ANY specific group in on this.

    Who do you suppose "they" are?

    Would seem possible that it is conservatives trying to stir up the pot. Or even more likely, just plain old internet goofballs.

    That "they" scapegoat does get a lot of press. Too bad it is mostly ignorant and meaningless. Easy word to use when the poster has no clue but still wants to lay blame.

    this thing isn't happening

    this is happening but its good...


    i mean.. one guy didn't believe the books that were being removed from elementary libraries.. i posted those books and got a reprimand. 

    he didn't believe it was happening...just like you dont.

  7. 10 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    "Bonus hole"... that's DAF. 

    Some here think that "they" are changing our language on us. But you have got to wonder who "they" are. No evidence of ANY specific group in on this.

    Who do you suppose "they" are?

    Would seem possible that it is conservatives trying to stir up the pot. Or even more likely, just plain old internet goofballs.

    That "they" scapegoat does get a lot of press. Too bad it is mostly ignorant and meaningless. Easy word to use when the poster has no clue but still wants to lay blame.

    it's obviously the media. just wait for the next thing to happen. each media outlet will have the same verbage

    and the new term 

  8. 10 hours ago, GreatWhiteNorth said:

    Good post. For me, the interesting thing here is that nobody commented on it.

    I suspect it is because both parties have been guilty of doing this exact thing for many years.

    And, since most here seem to post with a particular L or R bent in mind - they didn't have much ground to stand on.

    As a middle of the road guy, I see it as an insightful, useful perspective. 

    i dont disagree with you necessarily... but i would really like an example of the right changing the code...

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