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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. the same thing is happening in the NBA the NFL typically rests starters in prep for the playoffs i bet you see it more in college eventually, since they added the 12th game a few decades ago and now we are going to have actual playoffs (i wonder if conf champ games disappear) nothing new, it just took us awhile to realize we dont always have to be tough guys
  2. its espn everyone always wanted to be here... now a two hour dual is 3
  3. you dont even remember the story you made up do you?
  4. i know exactly how you feel. you dont want it to be, but you know it is.
  5. the real agenda, people forget that others might get power
  6. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-07-23-daily-contact-covid-19-testing-students-effective-controlling-transmission-schools
  7. no they aren't idiocy and i think YOU know that. you may not want to admit it, but you realize it to be true.
  8. joe, you are in delaware right now.. on vacay yet again. in 2.5 years, 365 vacay days
  9. yes, the correction always comes after millions of retweets and the correction gets dozens
  10. the romney media surge actually happened...
  11. but why isn't it bigger news? you know very well that if trumps or Desantis's chef ended up dead... the msm would be in it neck deep. they would be camped out at marlago or disney land or where ever i mean romney killed a woman by giving her cancer, speaking of playing the same hits over and over
  12. wow, you really are the guy you went to college with
  13. australia is starting on its path to china. china has a credit score system, which if you do some research is pretty nasty. (we are well on our path to that type of thing ourselves) but australia is starting to try to go cashless. talk about disenfranchising people
  14. who appointed either of those two?
  15. so are you saying trump is racist? hires the most qualified? or surrounded himself with idiots? i mean i have heard all of these. you just refuted them.
  16. but it wasn't the most qualified person was it?
  17. curious what you call joe. i mean,, i knew it was coming. trump is hitler!! now that trump will be gone... the next GOP guy will be MAN THIS GUY IS WORSE THAN TRUMP!! no matter who we send out i mean romney killed a woman with cancer for crying out loud
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