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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 2 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    Which of these is more likely?

    A massive, 60 year long nationwide conspiracy to lie about the crime rate, continued by both parties including Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, etc....?


    Your perception of the world, which is based mostly on twitter?

    Have a nice weekend, folks. 

    it's not 60 years old... it's 3 years old

  2. stating facts is not hate.

    i dont know or care about obama. i voted for him the first time.

    I do know that NO ONE, has as many friends commit suicide as hillary and bill.

    not sure about Joe yet.. but there is plenty of substance that should raise eyebrows as i have been told by someone of your ilk on this forum

    but it's not hate.


  3. 4 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    I think anti-semitic is the wrong word, but they make a good point about the claim "Jews are only safe in Israel" which is very obviously not true.

    Jews live extremely safe lives all over the world, particularly in Europe and North America. In fact, they're far safer there than they are in Israel. Jews might face anti-Semitic discrimination in those countries, but you certainly don't see 1000 of them die in a terror attack like just happened in Israel. They aren't under threat of rocket fire from Hamas or Hezbollah every day.

    actually they are.

    they just are waiting for it.

    they KNOW it's coming... just not when.

  4. 55 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    My goodness, man. Crime skyrocketed in the 70s and 80s. It peaked in the early 90's and collapsed after that.

    Read. A. Book.

    Trump Wrong on Crime Record - FactCheck.org

    wait, so you mean when crime was actually reported

  5. 20 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    What's this about? I would love to know lol

    Can we all agree the list should be released and Trump's hesitation on it is disappointing (if not suspect given his prior relations with Epstein)?

    you are saying that bigrog would attack any and all democrats.

    the left HATES trump.

    but they also HATED romney.

    what i am saying.. .the left HATES.

    they just hate...doesn't matter who it is...

    the next candidate from the GOP will be the worst person since hitler


    oh wait.. they already did that the last 3 times

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