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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. i am bewildered by how any coach actually lets her play.

    she just throws the ball up. from anywhere.

    I know she wouldn't play for the team on hoosiers.

    that said. Im not saying anything about the olympics... not worried about that.

    but the wnba needs to get a handle on its players.

    most of those cheap shots would have caused suspensions/ explusions in the nfl.. maybe even nba... 

    i have seen many against other players since hearing about clark being targeted.

    no wonder no one wants to watch

    • Bob 1
  2. 1 hour ago, uncle bernard said:

    The reason I kept insisting you "answer the question" is because none of you besides scout had the guts to actually write it directly. 

    It's very clear that you think Israel has the right to kill civilians as long as they're being used as human shields by Hamas and that it bears none of the responsibility for their deaths.

    Writing that out makes it clear how barbaric that is so you write long paragraphs dancing around it instead of just acknowledging you think it's okay to kill human shields.

    you know why we wouldn't... b/c we knew you would do exactly what you did.

    this is why we lose.

    we let politiciatns fight wars

  3. 1 hour ago, Lipdrag said:

    Nope.  When Hamas releases the hostages and surrenders unconditionally or has the common decency to die then the problem with Hamas should end.  Unconditional surrender or death should be the only options for Hamas.  Anything else just extends the problem.  Even Hamas' surrender may not solve the problem if non-hamas Palestinians do not let go of the goal to exterminate all the Jews.  But at least the Hamas problem should end.

    ok, i agree. 

    i lied the first time.

    • Bob 1
  4. 22 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    mostly because it’s incredibly misleading. he’s not an “al jazeera” journalist. he does not work for al jazeera and never has. he was a co-author on one op-ed piece published 5 years ago. 

    as more details emerge about the raid, it doesn’t look like the hostages were held in his apartment anyway. they were held in a different apartment on a different floor in his building. only 2 of the 7 buildings raided ended up containing hostages.

    what are your thoughts on the raid overall? glad the 4 hostages are safe but it sounds like they butchered the operation, killing 3 other hostages and 200+ civilians. not to mention the use of the humanitarian pier to stage the raid puts aid workers in grave danger moving forward. 

    UB on the board for not feeling bad about taking hostages and not allowing a rescue.

    good job man.

    • Bob 1
    • Fire 1
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