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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 2 hours ago, red viking said:


    I've been saying this all along. Becoming a radical right wing country, both fiscally and socially. Large corporations are manipulating our entire system. All I hear every day are lies coming from the right-wing propaganda machine and common folks are swallowing it up hook line and sinker while the right continues to dumb down our education system. 

    This country is also becoming a better and better safe haven for the ultra-wealthy. Pretty soon people will be stashing their money here instead of the Cayman Islands. Why, not when the top 1% pay a lower tax rate than the middle class? What a great tax system. 

    how gave the large corporations all the power? 

  2. 2 hours ago, red viking said:

    I don't see how any objective person can say that the left is more "radicalized" than the right when we've absolutely  100% gone off the deep end to the right in this country. The rich are getting richer than ever, marginal tax rates keep going down, the top 1% actually pay a lower tax rate than the middle class, the poor keep getting poorer , our military budget keeps getting more and more bloated and environmental regulations keep getting strangled in the name of bigger corporate profits.

    off the deep end to the right..lol

    lets see, men in womens restrooms. yeah thats the right

    DEI everywhere... yeah thats the right

    Coke in the white house... hmmm

    'pride' nude parades every other day...definitely the right

    california in disarray... b/c of the right

    jews being attacked regularly.. yeah.. thats the right

    christian bakers who are being harrassed by crazies... yep, thats the right

    the world in chaos.. yep, GOP's fault

    • Bob 1
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  3. 47 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    It’s not moot to discuss it because it’s mentioned in OPs article they linked. This dude got arrested for storming the capital, he admits he was hitting a window with a metal pole, and people wanna act like he’s a martyr bc he didn’t want to be held accountable for his actions by taking an easy way out

    again... skipping the point.

    the bait and switch

  4. 54 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    Does that change the fact he was hitting a window with a metal pole? Not really something peaceful protestors do. Dude FAFO and took the easy way out no accountability 

    is this how you approached the 'protestors' of 2020?

    is this who you approached the hamas protestors this spring? 

    peaceful people? 

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