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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 15 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    Technically speaking, you're wrong. Opening jobs back up are exactly as it sounds - more jobs.

    Debating who shall take the blame for the lost jobs to begin with is an entirely different matter.

    The first can be counted, the second can be debated for decades.

    I'm sure you understand that, right?

    they are the same jobs that were there before... that's not more. 

    • Bob 1
  2. 3 hours ago, red viking said:

    While stricter immigration policy enforcement is something that's generally needed, now is NOT the time to start deporting undocumented workers. 

    Unemployment is still extremely low so any deportation will merely cause more inflation. Wait for unemployment to go up before doing this, or even spending crazy money on a wall. 

    yesterday was the time to start.

  3. 22 hours ago, fishbane said:

    Literally half that stuff can be done without a photo ID. Probably over half.  

    The partisan split on the topic of voter ID almost entirely boils down to the demographics of those who would need to get a photo ID in order to comply with the law and don't otherwise have one.  This is essentially those without a driver's license which are disproportionately young people and/or residents in urban areas.  These individuals have historically voted for Democrats at a higher rate than Republican candidates.  If the reverse were true, Republicans might still be worried about election security but they wouldn't be pushing for laws requiring that photo ID be presented.

    pick one then, i see them all.

  4. 2 hours ago, red viking said:

    Not all all. that would be a disaster. The poor actually need their money and they spend it. The rich merely stash their money away and pass it on to their kids. Our tax system isn't progressive enough. 


    im not rich... but who..other than my kids and family, have a right to the money i have earned? 

    especially after it's been taxed 

    • Brain 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Bigbrog said:

    Wow...I can't stand the utter arrogant hypocrisy of your posts...man...you are a true whackadoodle.   You, of ALL people, should never, EVER, lecture someone on how to post nor tell them to "get off their high horse" and "stop judging".  These posts are exactly why EVERONE thinks you are a freaking clown of a poster.

    no its the post where he calls everyone shit for brains 

    and actually stupid

    • Bob 1
  6. 21 hours ago, braves121 said:

    Quick google search shows people are against the fact that this bill has the verbiage that it doesn’t matter if the offender does not know if the victim is a minor or not. This means that if you go to an 18+ venue, pick up a girl who got in with a fake id, sleep with her, you are going to be hit with a felony and 4 years in prison for something a venue should have made sure. Not really seeing lgbt be the main people complaining. The lawmakers just amended it to not include that anyway so ur link is a nothing burger as non lgbt people prefer the amended version anyway 

    again, why would that affect LGBUTLKDLJK more 

    i have an idea... find out how old they are 

  7. 13 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    That's simply not true.

    As I said in my last post:

    Let's start here - my posts don't say "everyone I disagree with is an idiot".

    • Some did, and I'll choose more carefully going forward.
    • Some did not at all - I was actually being encouraging and supportive.

    I've been both positive and negative in my recent postings.

    I'd like to boost my positive postings to as near 100% as I'm able to.

    (Something Brother Morris had done so well before he passed.)

    i would love to see any positive before you started on your nice kick a day ago 


    but im glad you are changing your ways 

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

    Seriously. This is what you're so afraid of. 

    Someone was given a form? Someone got something delivered in the mail that wasn't intended for them? 

    Did they fill them out? Were they mailed/delivered back? Were they entered into the system? Did the system flag them for not qualifying to vote? 

    Y'all love making mountains out of mole hills when it suits you. 

    Show me the finish line? Show me where this has actually happened instead of just a hint, of whisper, of a rumor. 

    You have nothing. 

    And the NY Post of all places. Is not reputable at all. Siting no sources of the info and quoting(not for the story specifically but to keep you clutching your pearls) CHIP 'em effin' ROY of all people. Could you scrape any more wood from the bottom of that barrel. 

    Please for the love of Roland, get better sources. We talk all about 'vetting immigrants'. Vet your sources of information for reliability. Not just that they say the thing that you believe, just louder. 

    Its embarrassing. 

    wondering where all the extra ballots appear from? here it is

    someone got mailed something not intended for them.. it was a ballot..

    guess who has the market cornered on harvesting ballots



    rinse repeat the cycle 

  9. 23 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Oh you’re talking about where I wrote about the conversation I had yesterday morning at work.  

    So what you’re saying to me is that even though you were not at all involved in those different conversations throughout those fours days, you’re resting on the fact that you know those people’s perceptions and where they are coming from in their views.  Got it. 

    That is a nice and safe way to think when you don’t want your own ideas challenged.  I’ll give you that.  

    when i am in mixed company, i don't bring up politics. im polite.

    when someone else does... i change the topic. 

    there are so many people who (like some of the posters on this forum) who can't maintain their dignity.

    • Bob 2
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