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Scouts Honor

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Posts posted by Scouts Honor

  1. 6 hours ago, fishbane said:

    Not sure what you mean.  Do you mean pick something from the list of things the graphic purports ID is required for that it really isn't?

    An easy one would be getting married.  Several states allow for common law marriage.  You don't have to show anything to anyone for your marriage to be recognized by the state in a state that allows common law marriage.  The two people that wish to be married simply start saying they are married and they are.  Some states with common law marriage specify that the individuals need to cohabitate for a minimum period or be of a certain age, but there is still nothing which must be filed for the marriage to be legal and certainly no ID presented.

    Another one is buying alcohol.  I have purchased alcohol many many times without presenting a valid ID.  If someone suggested we should require ID for voting in the same way it's required to buy alcohol, that doesn't sound like it would be very secure at all.  Underage people buy alcohol all the time in this country,

    I think almost everything in the list can be done without a valid ID.  Which do you think really cannot in any of the United States?

    ok i grant you some states about marriage

    i had to show my ID to get a marriage license 

    A new report from Colorado Christian University's Centennial Institute claims that "for every dollar gained in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of [marijuana] legalization." That factoid is already showing up in arguments against legalization, even though it is plainly ...Nov 30, 2018
  3. 21 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Honest question, not trying to be specifically argumentative with you here....what do you think of the possibility it would have the opposite effect?   Black market shit happens when there is a black market....right?  If we look at history...did ending prohibition create a bigger black market for alcohol?  Or more recently, with the spread of legalized marijuana, there is certainly a significantly lower black market for marijuana (still exists, but much much smaller).  I feel like if it were legal, and regulated, designated to brothels and what not, it would decrease the black market.


    My belief on the idea that marijuana is a gateway drug to more hardened drugs, is not because of the physiological affects of the plant....but because of the company it puts you in in a black market.  Kind of feel like the same thing applies here.  

    you might be right.. and i understand the whole underground thing... but how many children, teens, young women, will start out on their own and be... taken over..

    i agree with your views on marijuana as well... 

    also, there was a study done in colorado...for every $ of tax revenue, 4 new $ went to social programs to deal with problems created by more drug use 

  4. 1 hour ago, Bigbrog said:

    So your solution is that the "rich" give more to the poor, don't save as much for their future, and pay more in taxes and it will magically fix people scraping by and the "high" child poverty rate??  That is funny! 

    Your solution puts ZERO ownness on the actual people in that situation or the adults who are having kids and don't make a lot of money.  How do you not see that your solution would never have an impact on the problem you are so concerned with.  But go ahead...keep attacking the "rich" people...LOL

    leftists always forget that throwing money at something doesn't work

    look at public education

    • Bob 2
  5. 2 hours ago, red viking said:

    There's some waste that goes on at EVERY level of government and also the private sector. Nobody is immune to it but, yes, the military waste is over the top so I agree that has to be reigned in severely. I'd actually take all the waste our of military paychecks. 

    really... this is the hill you to die on... you  want people who actually to die on hills to   be paid less? 

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