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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. so there isn't a way for him to make the world team? i saw someone post there is no final x for 57? and that his season is over... what am i missing? i mean he qualifies for WTT by finishing 6th right?
  2. we still have seasoned fans who are stumped by calls and interpretations, as noted in this thread FS is not the way to fix folk. see bergers match.. he takes hidlay down late in the match and to his back.... only got 2... it wasn't really 4 but it was td and exposure only 2, it didn't change outcome..but could have... and slay had been going crazy earlier b/c the score wasn't right a match or two later... similar situation... dont remember who at this time... guy gets two and two... and was less exposure i enjoyed most of the matches(b/c I love wrestling) all day and in the semis .. but you had some snooze fests in there, not just in semis
  3. and looked small next to gable
  4. i have never seen steveson in person, he must be huge b/c i thought parris and wyatt hendrickson were big guys... they looked small
  5. I thought it looked like lee tanked... giving BB more opportunities to get better and wrestle good guys he just didn't do much maybe not.. but he didn't look the same BB is good.. but come on
  6. reminds me of a story when gable was coaching the world/olympic team... not sure which guys were questioning gable 'he won't tell us how many... how do we know how hard to go' iowa guy: you go 100% each time
  7. thats better at least
  8. i do THINK he was a senior who attacked a middle schooler the two in the video. he lost to a middle school kid and couldn't handle it.
  9. Demo Audience Rating 2023-Mar-18L: 2023 NCAA WRESTING CHAMPIONSHIP L: 2023 NCAA WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS HH 297,100 0.24 P2+ 454,000 0.15 P18-49 104,000 0.08 P25-54 158,000 0.13 2023-Mar-17L: 2023 NCAA WRESTING CHAMPIONSHIP L: 2023 NCAA WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIPS HH 235,200 0.19 P2+ 345,000 0.11 P18-49 111,000 0.09 P25-54 145,900 0.12 2023-Mar-16L: 2023 NCAA WRESTING CHAMPIONSHIP NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS, SECOND ROUND HH 186,000 0.15 P2+ 251,000 0.08 P18-49 78,500 0.06
  10. even the entire bball tourney was down 7% from last year...
  11. I was thinking more since 1978 when the 5 yard rule was instituted...i started prelim research... and was not very successful,, it's going to take more than a few hours but i like the chart... wonder what caused the decline in 11 and 12 and 16, 17
  12. change for change's sake is bad. things like that get you the 'ball grab' if you have numbers to back up your proposals fine. lets do it. but we aren't seeing these numbers... i mean is it really broke? the numbers went down for viewership one year... does that mean the sky is falling?
  13. yes, this would'nt be hard
  14. maybe its 0-0, 2nd period. im down.
  15. would love to see numbers on this. it may or may not be true... im not sure...
  16. I started thinking about the football passing rules... that did cause more scoring. and that is what was wanted... however, would like to see the data on increased viewership based on this scoring.. i may have to do some digging. I think the increased availability of betting on games and parts of games has increased viewership more than any actual rules change however...
  17. when they stopped calling fouls in bball i quit watching.. but i agree with your premise in general im just not sure more people are going to watch b/c we change a TD point
  18. Do you have those numbers? I am not saying they dont exist or weren't used... just would like to actually look at them. I have heard many times that the step out caused increased action in freestyle, but have never seen numbers to compare pre/post pushout... help a guy out?
  19. this is an example of data driven changes https://thesportjournal.org/article/strategically-driven-rule-changes-in-nba-causes-and-consequences/
  20. saw these and began to wonder... I'm not sure i agree with them.. but it made me think I have been in organizations enough to know that change usually isn't driven by numbers... but by cronies who have ear oif someone in power and say... 'i hear....' and then the change is made as to 1? we will see if baseball pitch clock has an effect 2. almost certain this is true. 3. wouldn't really work b/c the match would have been wrestled differently..potentially b/c of scoring etc... but the point remains... this should be tested somehow. not waste an entire season. 4. the top subjectivity of are you trying to turn is the only real problem i see here a 3 TD instead of 2 wont be hard... we adjusted to the 4pt NF pretty quick.
  21. taking riding time away means i dont have to get out
  22. so... how is this different from a 2 pt takedown
  23. question: will the 3 point takedown make wrestlers more cautious? if i screw this shot up... or he has great defense/scramble ability/defensive counters... i dont want go down 3-0
  24. I know many kids like this... many of them in counseling already... they dont see anything as an opportunity to grow... it will just be another punishment they dont see themselves or their actions as the problem.. its those damn administrators who noticed my bad actions
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