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Everything posted by scorenomore

  1. VV has always been a hammer on top. Add in some of the Spencer Lee arm bar and tilt and he might be able to put some points up for sure. Agree, neutral scoring is where the work is needed.
  2. I’ve spoken with parents of recruits that have spent time with him. He is the same as what you see on camera and on the mat. Elite people don’t need to be led by charismatic leaders, they have all the drive they need. It’s the education that they desire, in the case of Cael he is writing the book on wrestling!
  3. I'm sorry, but where in the world did you come up with Cael is a charismatic leader? Cael is the about as far opposite of a charismatic leader as there can be. He is a great person and knows wrestling better than anyone, but a charismatic leader he is not. Unseating PSU will start after the 2024 Olympic trials. Some school will pay big money for Taylor, Burroughs or Dake. I think the only one that will have a real shot at defeating PSU is Taylor. He is an upper weight, long, lengthy and has done an amazing job with his M2 program.
  4. Bartlett has olympic and world team aspirations - makes no sense to drop down to 133. 141 is a perfect weight for 65 kg.
  5. Visiting the team forums, calling for heads to roll. Lot's of unrealistic expectations as Tom Brands and John Smith are on the annual hot seat with fans. Everyone is calling for Taylor, Dake or Burroughs to come save them. Realistically does any of these coaches go out before they are 60 and who replaces them? No way Taylor, Dake or Burroughs are even remotely interested until after 2024 Olympics and I don't see Dake or Burroughs going into coaching. I could see Taylor and he would be a game changer! Any thoughts?
  6. I disagree 100%. In his trials interview he called Burroughs and Marsteller average wrestlers and was unimpressed. If he is a great wrestler he should have beaten Chance and teched the very average Olympic champ Jordan Burroughs. Dude puts down wrestlers and then shows limited offense and squeaks by average wrestlers. He doesn’t back anything up and can’t wait to see him looking at the ceiling when he goes MMA.
  7. Agree with all except I wonder about Kharchla and if Romero is recovered and ready.
  8. Iowa showed the blueprint to stop Penn States’ NCAA championship run. 1 - Stall and brawl in neutral 2 - Be content to take a stall call 3 - Let your shooters shoot, otherwise hang it up and avoid the patented Penn State reattack. 4 - get on the refs to call stalemate everyone Penn State goes stubby ride with no intent to turn. If everyone wrestled Penn State this way, bonus points would dry up and another team gets crowned champion in March.
  9. I thought the same thing. In particular there was a moment where dean put his knee between Braxton's back and the knee. There was nothing that could be done except rip his leg apart. This is 100% intentional and should be illegal.
  10. If Drake is thinking of leaving then Drake is not who we thought he was. The same toughness in him that wanted that match is the same toughness that will keep him in Iowa. That being said, Drake needs to bump up to 33 and hit the weight’s because the strength difference between him and Lee was unbelievable. Drake is tall and long and would be better if he used this red shirt year to bulk up.
  11. Continue to hear rumors that John Smith is done at the end of this season. Assuming it is true, who are the likely candidates and what happens if they take the job? - Pat Pop - if he goes, who takes over at NC State, will assistants follow? - Coleman Scott - heard OSU is the dream job and would leave beautiful UNC if offered the job. Does Ramos take over? - Cormier - don't think he jumps to college head coach from high school - totally could, but unlikely. I think Pat Pop runs the tight ship OSU would be looking for. But just curious the thoughts on new head coaches at the schools that would likely lose their head coach to OSU.
  12. Why would assume that he was rich and then if he was so what? I know of the family and I never thought of them rich or poor nor did I care, just quiet genuinely really good people. Vic is a hammer on top and will keep scores close because of his skills on top. Needs to develop more confidence on his feet and then will get to the AA level.
  13. Okay, but how will he do against Gibson?
  14. Thanks for sharing
  15. Of course the best want to be together - that’s a no brainer and we’ll documented on the benefits of being at PSU. That doesn’t mean it is affordable which is my question. A great wrestler whose parents are middle class and out of state could not afford to attend PSU just because it is a good room. There has to be something helping the numbers work.
  16. I’m sure this has been dissected before but please refresh our memories. How can PSU get all of these top notch recruits? My guess is that the school has to have a way to provide “merit” financial aid based on some criteria. Can anyone confirm this and what is the criteria? - Good wrestler + good grades = 50% merit? - Good wrestler + poor parents = 50% merit? - Good wrestler + good test scores = 50% merit? Something has to be going on because they get a lot of quality kids and I just can’t imagine they are paying a lot and out of state tuition. I realize that the Gibson’s are in state but I assume scholarship money went to Braden Davis so where does the funding come from to add Mason? Side note, will Davis or Gibson be big enough to go 133 or is this now the same problem Ohio State has with Mendez and Bouzakis?
  17. What is the deal at Iowa? The injury rate seems off the charts. Gotta look hard at the training staff for injury prevention. Real goes what 4 years at Stanford without major issues and cannot even make it to Thanksgiving at Iowa?
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