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College Starter (10/14)

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  1. That and Teslas are excrement built cars. Death by fires in Cybertrucks are 17 times more likely than in the much maligned Ford Pinto. Insurance companies are dropping coverage left and right. Fit and finish on Teslas is terrible. Tesla's auto-driving is particularly bad. EVs are the future, just not Teslas because they're terrible cars.
  2. Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity.
  3. Better than 4th, I hear.
  4. Who wore it better?
  5. Is there anything that you don't suck at?
  6. It's a valid point, but the problem seems more pervasive at Iowa as they scrabble.
  7. Change my mind. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-viral-debate-video-that-proves-most-maga-voters-are-a-lost-cause/
  8. lol The raw amount of stuff you don't understand about LLMs makes this post gold.
  9. jross, internet detective. Sadly, a regular consumer of lead paint chips as a child.
  10. That's a good land, no doubt. However, if I'm a wrestling dad with a kid about to go to college, PSU is vastly more appealing than Iowa... unless they're throwing money at us and we need it that bad. I don't want to watch Iowa bring in some one-year-wonder from the portal, in an attempt to win a single weight in a single year, that screws my kid's career. On the soft side, I've met both Brands brothers and I've met Cael. Another plus for PSU on personality alone.
  11. For the record, I'm not an Iowa or PSU fan. I see PSU with a recruiting 'floor' that's much higher than Iowa's. In future years, I see their floor being higher than Iowa's ceiling due to some of Iowa's recent decisions.
  12. Cut your Ritalin intake by at least half.
  13. I don't see how they can reliably recruit against PSU. If there were just two universities and where to go was a binary choice, they might have a chance. Even adding just Oklahoma State to the mix dooms Iowa. Every blue chip kid that goes anywhere but Iowa dilutes the pool for Iowa and they have little margin for error.
  14. The text of the First Amendment says otherwise.
  15. I don't see how they fix this issue. Iowa's reputation has problems on multiple fronts.
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