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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. Doesn't Bono have to sign a release for Alberts to cut Nebraska wrestling? I am pretty sure that's how it works. F'in Bono and his unchecked powers.
  2. Ban asks Bob about more recent years after mentioning "in 10 years" AND in that very same post. This indicates Ban thinks he knows Penrith's (distant years) correctly, and so asks about more recent years. It's clear from the dialog Ban never accepts the bet when restated by Bob. Two different bets were proffered about the number of UNI AA wrestlers: 1) Ban: In (any) 10 years at 14 (initially 17 but revised); 2) Bob: In most recent 10 years (ending in 2012) at 9. Ban does not accept many subsequent attempts by Bob to obtain Ban's agreement to Bob's terms. Neither bet was ever agreed upon by both Ban and Bob. Therefore, no bet was made. Only terms of potential bets were under consideration. Therefore, neither Ban nor Bob owes the other $1,000. Therefore Ban does not owe Bob $1000. As such, Ban is not guilty of the charge based on the evidence presented.
  3. Was less than 72lbs as 9th grader at 14/15. Ran lightweight track in Junior High. The schools were split 7-9 Jr High, 10-12 Sr High back then where I grew up.
  4. I personally am one. Also, turned 19 during my freshman year college (entered at 18).
  5. Give area models a try
  6. Of those 23, how many AA'd? Of those 23 matches, how many yielded team points that potentially affected a team trophy position?
  7. "A charitable contribution deduction is not allowed for any contribution made after December 31, 2017, to a college or university in exchange for which the payer receives the right to purchase tickets or seating at an athletic event."(https://answerconnect.cch.com/document/arp109fc87418cc7c4e8c922122a0e6a38eb6/federal/irc/explanation/tickets-to-athletic-events-or-booster-club-dues-for-colleges-or-universities#:~:text=A charitable contribution deduction is,seating at an athletic event.) Donations beyond that to a university's general student athletic fund remain tax deductible, if it is a 501(c)(3) organization which all are, and to the amount provided by the university in a letter to the donor. That letter could theoretically consider whether the donor's points level was used receive the right to purchase a ticket in the tax year. Implementation of the IRS position on donations to NIL collectives would, on its surface, appear to tilt the playing field back to Universities from NIL Collectives, when it comes to direct control of donor dollars. But if the IRS has separately established a portion of a NIL Collective as a 501(c)(3) organization, then it will be deductible. The IRS position did not addressing this. The IRS position address "developing paid name, image, and likeness (NIL) opportunities for collegiate student-athletes." 501(c)(3) NIL collectives don't do this. Rather they "typically use student-athletes as independent contractors to help further their charitable mission."(https://www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov/get-help/general/nil/nil-collectives/) Also, individual state laws are changing to allow collaboration between NIL collectives and universities. When this collaboration is allowed and to the degree tax deductibility is a material driver of atheltic donations, the new IRS position could still only hurt university athletic programs and more importantly their students athletes, if fewer donations result.
  8. A longer "half-time" break to service Carver Cone customers.
  9. I surmise that in 2020 Spencer Lee may've been robbed of one of the two NCAA Team titles, which he had promised Iowa. Otherwise, he might've made good on this one of his two collegiate goals. Maybe we can give him an asterisk for the 2-title goal in addition to the one for the health-limited condition, which impacted his 4th individual title. Asterisks don't cost anything. We can afford to be magnanimous.
  10. The Spencer Lee that competes for can surely Spencer Lee like the Spencer Lee who would compete for .
  11. He was a very dynamic young freestyler who dominated at St. Paul's in MD. PSU was on his short list before he chose Michigan. His biggest issues post HS seem to be his being a bit undersized for 125lbs and suffering some injuries. If he's healthy and a full-sized 125lber, he may yet prove himself in folkstyle. But I think the move is more focused on his freestyle 57kg future potentially with the NLWC.
  12. When Anthony F. put an Iowa commitment graphic on social media, it contained a misspelling of "committed" as "commited." Although this post relates to Angelo and commitment is spelled correctly, I believe the poster was making a reference to Anthony's graphic. As you note, part of the confusion is that the "sic" doesn't make grammatic sense as "commitment" is spelled correctly, so there's no misspelling to be noted.
  13. Maybe ChatGPT's AI is optimized to create controversial hot takes as click bait. That, and little else, would make perfect sense to me as far as its list making goes. Cinnabon may be out of a job soon.
  14. Can't dispute either points. Your uncertainty about individual impressions notwithstanding, I am similarly or more unsure that his posts demonstrate he is a man who would cheat on his wife with the specifically identified female wrestler. This is the context of my response. I am not particularly interested in any kind of generalized characterization of this particular individual's "moral character."
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