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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. So I’ve never been a big Kevin Costner fan. His voice just bugs me. Is Yellowstone so good I’ll get over it?
  2. Steveson graduated this past May with a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Business. He may have been considering grad school.
  3. Well thankfully groceries prices didn’t increase indefinitely. I suppose if mortgage interest rates drop back under 7% we should throw a party.
  4. I should’ve used spinach as an example. Or eggs, milk, oranges.
  5. The Iranian should have timed his attacks to Valencia’s hair sweeps.
  6. Ok, I’m still curious if it’s considered safe to use the Face ID option so many sites offer to login. Yes I know a lot of people here hate Apple.
  7. Good info! What about using Face-Id to login?
  8. Oh shucks, we don’t have any of your spies. Let’s see…. Oh! We have your Merchant of Death! Would you take him for both detainees? No. Only basketball player. Doesn’t see fair, but ok. PS. Please get out of Ukraine.
  9. Sorry that the President of the American Federation of Teachers comments triggers you. I don’t think anyone on this thread is “white hot, insane, MAGA” or hates anyone. I’m just tired of being embarrassed by the current administration. I’ve been democrat, republican and independent. My God what must the rest of the world think of our decision process and leadership?
  10. Weingarten tweet: “What a great relief!!! Extraordinary news, a basketball star, but also a gay, black woman is released. And yes of course we want other prisoners like Paul Whelan released.”
  11. There’s got to be more to the deal. Maybe “10% for the big guy” in future arms trades?
  12. Nothing wrong with that. But last week you called my comment “Naked whataboutism!”
  13. Non-wrestling topics make me uncomfortable.
  14. Hmm. I think there were 3 grabbing headgear violations against the Gophers.
  15. When I was wrestling there were books written by Gable, stories of Iowa, really no other premier program to hear of.
  16. Is there a car on the road that doesn’t have parts from China? A kitchen that doesn’t have an appliance with parts from China? Restaurant/store without an electronic kiosk/POS? What’s the plan?
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