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The Kid

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State Champion

State Champion (8/14)

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  1. Ever, lol. The guy hasn't wrestled a folkstall match and could be getting advice from Varner. But, yeah the best ever talent at 133 lbs?
  2. The ultimate goal? Recruit foreigners over his all Americans. lol. What a joke.
  3. Basset should graduate early and enroll at Iowa imo.
  4. Michial Foy.....world silver. Greco
  5. No. Rutgers was a d3 talent program before he arrived to make them respectable.
  6. Yeah. Ok. He figured out that Steveson is cocky and out of shape. Real rocket science there
  7. Folkstule wrestling is circling the drain. It's time to pull the plug and switch to freestyle. I'd even prefer Sumo to this nonsense.
  8. Hang in there commie.
  9. Trannies only compete against women. They're afraid of men.
  10. Who supports a clown that trash talked Burroughs and then ducked him? Carter Starrucci....lol
  11. Maybe he will get a medical redshirt for the mff's in this tournament.
  12. No. He wouldn't even acknowledge you or anyone else.
  13. Folkstyle isn't more exciting. It's boring. That's why wrestling is circling the drain in this Country. They can even get consistent rules or officials.
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