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Everything posted by Greenwave

  1. Damn, they always had a good following.
  2. Mediocre team, don’t tell the Brands Brothers. They spent a lot of time down there trying to get wrestlers.
  3. Knowing he eliminated these schools without visits or offers. Bo has added back to his list CSU GW Cambell Buffalo
  4. He and Bo Bassett will be roommates, Coach Smith will petition to change the mascot to the circus.
  5. Can it be confirmed he was held back two years, if so he should be a college freshman this year.
  6. If it was Bo being Bo, that would all be ok. But when mom, dad and uncle try to be Bo it is a Shit Show. You can’t tell me top teams are not saying do we really what this family in the program.
  7. Great point, I missed it. Was surprised they brought in two from portal at his weight.
  8. Little Rock with two transfers coming in at 149
  9. Blaze will impact any team he joins.
  10. The older brothers are his down fall on getting more recognition. he deserves it for sure.
  11. Agree, all he and his parents are trying to do is move him in front of Blaze as number one recruit but he is still four slots below him. Followers on social media does not make you a leader of program by no means, with the athletes in the room it is not done on social media.
  12. Wow, this is all parental driven. You don’t come in and be the face of the program. You earn it in a college room with 34 plus wrestler's. Those guys are winning in the classroom, practices and with student body. You don’t do it through social media.
  13. You would hope he could qualify. But with only 2 Ivy education schools left on his list of 18 you would have to wonder.
  14. Do we know if he academically would gain admission at Stanford?
  15. What is projected line up for Little Rock??
  16. His social recruitment push started when he was jumped in the Pound for Pound rankings by Blaze, Forrest ( his teammate) and Duke. This is clearly a parental push by posting all of his in home visits.
  17. Iowa for sure, can’t recruit them, can’t develop them so now buy them.
  18. Would be great for NDSU and NIU wrestler in a dual or quad!!!
  19. It would be interesting to get the honest feed back on a program and culture he helped create. What would he say about the gambling issue and a coaches son not knowing the rules? What would he say about the crowd being told by a losing wrestler they were recruiting, they are number one with his middle fingers? What would be his thoughts on recruiting wrestlers and lack of development? Then giving money to wrestlers that IA never recruited causing guys who bleed for the program to get kicked to side? What would he say about Terry and Tom’s mat side antics and their lack of changing them as wrestlers request? Best of all what would he do with NIL.
  20. Brands brothers and Iowa have now become the Colorado and Sanders of wrestling. With the transfers it reenforces their inability to recruit and development talent. They have road on Gables coat tails to long.
  21. What do we think is going on at NDSU, other than it is freakin cold and snow a good portion of year.
  22. So, I have to asked the question to Bo on this.. Were you or your dad man enough to call these head coaches seeing you have them in your game????l. To tell them your not interested.?
  23. We just hope the schools come out and announce why they pulled their offers. Was it parental influence and control, work ethic behind scenes, grades, not a good team member in room or character?
  24. Tonight, a list of schools who have pulled their offers to Bo off of the table. These are schools did not deem him as a good cultural fit for their room or team. He will not be notified by them
  25. You don’t think Rudi’s and Prime would hate to lose sales on campuses because of this kids parents and marketing team.
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