Brands decision in the Maryland dual is crazy.
Brands sit Teemer and wrestles Estrada, WTF. If Teemer is hurt or not wanting to wrestle the 8th ranked wrestler in country just FF.
why burn a kids redshirt, things are out of hand at Iowa.
When talking about Iowa style are we talking about coaches attacking refs, other coaches, flipping refs off, taking your shoe off and running onto the mat.
why don’t the get top recruits?
Tom’s last interview to me was insulting to wrestlers. He pretty much put it all on their solders again. No self reflect that we as a staff need to get better.
That is exactly what he said on X. Sounds like he stated they could not do it and first amendment violation.
Either way it was a low class move by administration.
Drew Blogs posted on X he went to the CSU dual yesterday and was setting up for pre-match interviews with some coaches and wrestler when a SID came up and informed him no. Media can interview wrestlers or coach’s on campus.
That is crazy these boys will be looking for spots some where and are being blocked by Administration.
How do we get the salaries of the AD and her staff including expense allowance, car allowance. this along with the professors and admins salaries paint the true picture at CSU.