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State Placer

State Placer (7/14)

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  1. I know not as important as some big duals coming up. But tonight is Senior ( also call it Junior, Sophomore, Freshman) night as CSU will battle Kent State. i hope the greater Cleveland Wresting Community shows up and supports these. Wrestlers, trainers and coaches.
  2. We heard Brands say they were load managing Arnold. This may be a match he sits him.
  3. Who would they replace him with?
  4. Why bring him back against the weakest opponent of the year. pK parents should be livid and every recruit should be saying they really just did this. why not wrestle him against Minn.
  5. Ask his dad not Coach Luke. Luke has no control when he works out with team or wrestles.
  6. Maybe they should look at one of the three MAC coaches who beat them this year to run program.
  7. Has Big Ten, NCAA or Iowa made a statement on this? This can get ugly with coaches running into the stands.
  8. All about coaches protecting seeds.
  9. Besides the whole Iowa bench out of the corners, tell me once it is appropriate for an Associate Head coach to run into the stands to celebrate or taunt? Does Big Ten, Iowa and NCAA understand what would have happen If an Associate Head Coach runs in stands and visiting fans get physical. It would have be Detriot all over again.
  10. What will be the penalties from Iowa , Big Ten and NCAA for him running into the stands and postering with a Nebraska fan. He was at least 10 rows up. I have to believe a suspension would be looming. Another ugly incident for Iowa wrestling. During the time he can review Iowa guidelines.
  11. Of course with both Brands making the call. That is of course Terry does not get suspended for running into the stands taunting a student fan. this was their play all year, to keep Kennedy from transferring and save Nelson’s spot.
  12. WOW! Silas Allred takes out Gabe Arnold 4-1 in overtime to put the Huskers up 16-9 with two matches to go… That was a huge win!
  13. I am sure he will be fine.
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