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Everything posted by NM1965

  1. LOL, they clapped for him at MMA events before he got crushed by Biden the first time around, since you seem to have forgotten. Most MMA crowds are filled with rednecks. I know, I've been one myself for about 59 years.
  2. It's funny watching those those morons getting worked up!
  3. That is because Trump's voters have no moral values whatsoever. You are so stupid you think that's a good thing.
  4. Why? How does that help the traitor?
  5. Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trigger another Trumpanzee. I know you people are so sensitive, just like Donald. Do you cry yourself to sleep every night because you are upset that everybody in the world is against your Lord and Master, Donald? Oh, people are so mean to him!! My only question is what type of Trumpanzee are you? Given that Trumpanzees have no moral values, ethics, or patriotism at all and can support the obviously mentally deficient conman, I have to wonder which type you specifically are? Are you one of the uneducated morons, one of the racist pieces of crap, one of the fake "christians" unaware of the contents of the Bible, or are you in the middle of the diagram below? Let me know if you have any problems comprehending any of the words in my post, I know you probably struggle with reading like your God, Trump.
  6. Wow, did Nelson Mandela commit 34 counts of fraud as well?
  7. Yeah, because anybody who doesn't worship at Trump's feet, like yourself, MUST be a commie, huh? I guess that makes most Americans "commies", huh, since Trump got curbstomped in 2020?
  8. Biden has never stated he wanted to ***duck** his daughter on national TV.
  9. Well I like to think that if I wore a diaper like your Lord and Master Donald Trump, that I'd check it and change it myself. Trump has other men change his shitty diapers, like an infant.
  10. Cael was the better folk wrestler.
  11. Wow, you can't understand why people hate a conman, fraudster, traitor, asshole, and rapist? You must be the most forgiving person in the world.
  12. OH my God, you mean Biden doesn't think Trump should be getting away with his hillbilly coup attempt? Clearly Biden is out for Trump, huh? Biden could have ordered Garland to go after Trump, which rightwing agitprop lies about like your meme above, but he didn't. Your pic above states Biden had Trump arrested. When did Biden have Trump arrested, exactly? The article you posted here DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the meme you posted above, and I don't see how you think it helps your cause. It never happened. You are knowingly posting a lie. Come on man, Trump DID lead an insurrection at the Capital. It's on film. And Trump IS a threat to our Democracy. Just because Biden stated a fact to his "inner circle" doesn't mean that Trump is getting mistreated or unfairly persecuted. Trump SHOULD be prosecuted for his actions, he's a criminal, and let's not forget, he's also a traitor.
  13. You are just another cognitively deficient, self-propagandized Trumpanzee.
  14. It won't be close. Biden will curbstomp Trump. Rowe V Wade being overturned by the rightwingers of the Supreme Court, all of whom lied during their confirmation hearings in the Senate about Rowe V Wade and who ignored 50 years of precedent when they overturned it, will bring women voters out in droves. Perhaps you haven't noticed but Dems are winning all the special elections ever since, even in Deep Red states. It seems that women don't like the idea of being forced to have rape babies against their will, like what happened last week in Alabama with the 13 year old girl. Biden will win quite easily and the Dems will take a commanding majority in the House and Senate. Then perhaps it'll be time to impeach some Supreme Court justices for perjury.
  15. If a rookie makes the practice squad for an NFL team it's $216,000 a year. If a guy is on the practice squad and is an NFL vet he can make $370,000 a year. Pretty good money for human practice dummies.
  16. Well if a rightwing lawyer deep in Trump's camp says so, it MUST BE TRUE, huh?
  17. You probably know as much about Civics as you do about ethics and morality.
  18. LOL, it always cracks me up when fans of the traitor cry about "The Republic, coming to an end". The mantra from Trumpanzees lately is "Biden is DESTROYING AMERICA". LOLOLOL, after the shitshow that was Trump, 4 years of failure after failure after failure, Biden comes along and actually gets an infrastructure bill through (something Trump never did) and Trump's losers cry like a scalded dog. I'm trying to figure out what Trump did to earn such loyalty from his cultists since the only significant legislation he signed was a huge tax cut for the 1% and 90% of Trumpers don't have 2 nickels to rub together. Hell, looking at the people in Trump rallies leads me to think they can't afford soap, toilet paper, and most especially dental care.
  19. LOL, rightwing agitprop, probably ginned up in a Russian troll factory. Biden ordered the JD not to go after Trump on his fraud. But you be you: a self-propagandized sap who supports a traitor
  20. The judicial system is how criminals are punished in this nation. Trump is a criminal and he richly deserved prosecution for his many crimes. I guess you guys figure if a guy declares he's running for office that he can't be prosecuted for his crimes because.....why? According to you guys I guess I could go out and murder a guy, then declare I'm running for President. If they prosecute me for murder I'll start whining that it's political persecution, like Trump. Or is this is a special rule for Trump, that only HE can crime and not be prosecuted? He does seem to be above the law in the eyes of the Republican Party, no matter what he does.
  21. No, Trump's crimes are what make him a criminal and worthy of prosecution.
  22. You are in full bore delusion mode when you say the "left stream media" lauded and loved his shows. Also, I guess you just haven't happened to notice that Trump is a traitor, a conman, a rapist, and many other things, none of them good.
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