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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. He has filled roles up and down the GOP with his handpicked people. It's going to be a fight.
  2. That's what I hear from a very reliable source. https://hawkeyesports.com/sports/womens-wrestling/ No word on their schedule yet.
  3. Ross Perot didn't have control of the GOP fundraising and hadn't placed his loyalists into the RNC and state organizations from top to bottom. The two situations don't seem particularly comparable.
  4. Whoopsie! https://www.wiltonbulletin.com/news/politics/article/man-gets-4-years-for-attacking-police-at-jan-6-17852113.php
  5. It would break the GOP for at least a decade. From the local level to the national level, everyone would have to pick sides.
  6. I can see your position. I just wouldn't make the same calculation. When you have shitty parents, it's almost never worth the grief.
  7. So it's like getting a boxed variety pack of seasonal beer at Costco. You know most of it is going to suck, but you feel like you really got a dealio because there's so much of it.
  8. But you get the family as something of a package. Still a hard pass if you're running the math on this.
  9. It's funny watching people who don't understand how the judicial system works trying to explain it to people who do.
  10. Whoopsie! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/21/six-oath-keepers-convicted-jan-6-trial/11434176002/
  11. A more reasonable calculus would be, "What are the odds they don't screw up?"
  12. What are the odds that he graduates with a degree?
  13. Again, can you imagine what the conversations between the wrestling coaches and the athletic director would be like? Can you imagine what the athletic director would say to the university president? What does it do to your school's ability to convince young women to register for the upcoming school year. What's the liability if one of the Ferraris commits another sexual assault? This is not going to be something that is just going to be swept under the rug.
  14. A quick look at who is being held. https://www.justsecurity.org/85525/profiles-of-the-january-6th-inmates-in-the-d-c-jail/
  15. Only needed a tack hammer for that job.
  16. I intend to stay at the venue, so no Uber will be necessary. We can work out a series of simple hand signals in advance whereby you can signal my over-loquaciousness.
  17. A standing wave of balderdash.
  18. Is this his retirement?
  19. Your imagination is rich but your vocabulary fails the challenge.
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