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Mike Parrish

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Everything posted by Mike Parrish

  1. Should the federal and state governments remain unable to prevent acts like McVeigh's prior to the actual detonation? It goes to intent.
  2. Bend the knee. https://twitter.com/GlobalAffairs/status/1657219168863756288
  3. So, you guys would appear to be A-OK with Timothy McVeigh right up until the point he detonated those explosives.
  4. That's just flatly wrong. Russia has nearly perfected the art of using novichok with limited collateral damage.
  5. Well then, it sounds like you would favor the legalization of chemical and biological weapons.
  6. It’s the logical fallacy of the excluded middle. (Gun owner and life long liberal)
  7. They have bupkis. Everyone knows this. It was more of the ‘jangle shiny objects for the mouth breather demographic’.
  8. Lol. How many scaramuccis does she last? https://twitter.com/DylanByers/status/1656801802770354179
  9. Only the Sith deal in absolutes.
  10. E Jean Carroll is likely to sue Trump again for defamation given his remarks last night. Summary judgement.
  11. Exactly the response I expected. You guys are all verklempt I called him a rapist. You appear to be OK with the fact that he was found liable for sexual battery though. Is this finding by the jury disqualifying in your eyes?
  12. I know zero athletes who enjoy going to or being at the OTC.
  13. “One reminder for last night: when Trump’s audience was giggling and clapping as he joked about sexual assault and threw out his various races tropes, it’s proof that Trump’s real superpower with his base is that he allows them to be their very worst selves without guilt or shame.“
  14. I linked to the article.
  15. It was intentional hyperbole. I didn’t expect bigbrog or that ilk to get it, but I had higher hopes for some…
  16. If they’re dirty, burn ‘em all.
  17. I went as Bill Clinton and my wife as Monica Lewinsky for Halloween that year.
  18. We’re getting to the point where we should be asking, “Is there anyone in the GOP who isn’t on the take?”
  19. Santos was, among other things, stealing unemployment from a program to help people through the covid downturn. Just vermin.
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