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Jimmy Cinnabon

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Everything posted by Jimmy Cinnabon

  1. Saldate wins at the buzzer
  2. ride out 2-1 TB
  3. Saldate riding hard
  4. Bearclaw takes down
  5. 2-0 Bearclaw
  6. Does Haines have to beat a top 5 guy to become a starter?
  7. Haines is staying in Redshirt?
  8. true freshman getting a welcome to B10 wrestling
  9. 6-2 SVN after 2
  10. SVN vs Stauffenberg. No Omania
  11. And as always, Lujan looked much bigger than Steen
  12. Only RBY's 10th career pin
  13. RBY hits an assassin and gets the FALL!!!
  14. 14-4 RBY w/ RT locked
  15. 10-4 RBY. RT locked. Stall point on Foley
  16. RBY rides out he 2nd. 3 min in RT
  17. 8-2 RBY. Stall on Foley
  18. RBY rides out the rest of the period 4-1
  19. RBY riding Rayvon tough
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