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Everything posted by Eagle26

  1. Bummer! It was close, but I don’t think Zain stopped his momentum enough to say he initiated that. So unfortunately, I think it’s the right call. Sucks, but I think/hope Ochir can make the finals and pull him through
  2. Wow! Lee survives… barely. I don’t have as much confidence in him as I did before, but hopefully he can get the job done!
  3. Spencer gets to his lace to go up 10-6!!
  4. I don’t think he ever saw a cradle before lol. I guess he thought blue did something to trip red backwards while he was locked in the cradle
  5. I hope they overturn that call against Amine. Looked like all his moves. Should be 4-0 red
  6. I guess not but should be fairly soon
  7. Wow! Incredible comeback by Chamizo!
  8. According to that, Zain should be wrestling again very soon, right?
  9. Few people are. Cael’s probably one of the funniest “non-funny” guys out there
  10. I listen to his one interview on flo… it was a good interview. My favorite part was when they asked him about how much he will use the transfer portal. He replied with the Cael quote, “what do you have a plan or something?”
  11. Jordan Burroughs. He’s very popular with all the NLWC wrestlers
  12. I meant there are examples of him giving some extra grace to high level guys. To clarify, I do think Cael is a man of high character and I think he runs a pretty tight ship (especially now). I just don’t like how many Penn State fans act like he can do no wrong. That’s not a healthy way to look at anybody, and we’ve seen that mistake before from Penn State fans. By all accounts he is a great guy and obviously an amazing coach, but he does have that win-at-all-cost mentality too.
  13. Also funny that he brags that he is the highest paid college wrestler by far, and then criticizes people for taking a pay day
  14. Huh? “PSU vs Ok St. in the football stadium. The national champs 10 matches to 0.” I think it’s pretty clearly aimed at DT
  15. Bearclaw. I think a few that are caught in the log jam and can’t start might go. Maybe Kasak. Depending on Starocci does, Even Haines could be out of a spot as crazy as it sounds. I think they make room for Haines and he stays though. If Facundo is the odd man out again, I hope he transfers
  16. This is exciting news! I’m not really a DT fan, but it’s exciting for the landscape of college wrestling. Im hoping to see some competition and good rivalries in college wrestling again. I also think it will set the precedent too for other programs to take a chance on guys like JB, Dake, and Snyder. That would sure make things interesting.
  17. In a different era Gilman would be the biggest star in America with his credentials. He’s gotten coaching perspectives from two of the top programs with starkly different philosophies. I think that makes him well-rounded, and it’s easy to see he’s matured a lot. He would be an excellent pick up.
  18. If I remember right, it wasn’t NCAA that’s suspended him, was it? Either way, I would guess that UWW can’t ban them from NCAA competition, NCAA or their school could choose to enforce consequences
  19. There was a Flo doc on Gregor Gillespie that got in to this a little bit. I would recommend watching it if you can.
  20. No. I don’t think UWW has any authority over NCAA.
  21. IF this turns out to be true about Brooks and he is ineligible, the right thing to do would be to hold a wrestle off between Hidlay and Taylor. Zahid would probably be better but he didn’t take third and he has no excuse for that. IMO it’s wrong to just give Taylor the spot because he didn’t beat anyone at the trials. But that’s probably what would happen.
  22. This is a good question and I was wondering the same thing. It would make more sense to me if Carter went a more natural weight of 184 and was at his best than having him be a majorly undersized 197. I get the logic for freestyle and it worked for Brooks, but he was only going up one weight. Carter can wrestle 184 and be big enough for 86kg this year and then he could really bulk the following year… it’s likely a two-three year process for him to be a full sized 86 anyway. Only way 197 make sense this year is if it really helps the team.
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