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Dark Energy

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Everything posted by Dark Energy

  1. The point would be to highlight that they are protesting to protect innocents and not just Palestinian innocents. They would have way more support if that was the cause. But it is not. It is clearly anti Israel. By showing Hamas that they are hated, even in pro Palestinian protests, it will help erode their support. By telling Hamas to surrender, it would show that the protestors are actually peace loving. Their silence here indicates support for Hamas. They want the elimination of Israel, not saving lives. It is clear as day. And you know it. Wiggle out of directly agreeing that Palestinians shouting for Hamas to surrender would SAVE lives. Wiggle out of agreeing, and demanding in your protests, that Hamas should surrender and face the punishment of their crimes. It shows your true stance.
  2. You are deflecting. It would be very powerful for Palestinians to point to Hamas as barbarians who committed an atrocity and shouted that they are unwelcome. If Hamas’ support dried up it would help to kill their movement. And they may very well lay down their arms. Why don’t you suggest to your protestors to shame Hamas and declare that Hamas should surrender. Don’t you agree that this would end the fighting and the horror? If you care most about innocents, then you all should be shouting for this. Don’t point at just one party you feel is bad, point at them both. I believe you won’t. Hypocrisy is thick.
  3. Israel needs to rip the poisonous weed of Hamas out root and stem. Hamas can end this by surrendering, by no longer fighting back. Since Hamas was the EVIL perpetrators of the Oct 7 massacre and they clearly expected and wanted a vicious counter attack that would harm many that they hide behind, why aren’t innocent palestinians and their supporters demanding and protesting for Hamas to surrender? @uncle bernard - do your protests call for the surrender of Hamas? I believe you agree Hamas is evil and should be held accountable. It is the quickest way to end this. The innocent Palestinian people should rise up against the animals that use them as shields.
  4. I recall some discussion of it being 1M+. Real? Not sure. Some felt it was a very big NIL deal for all of college athletes. But I don’t know.
  5. I never said risk free. I also pointed out long term. That means not point in time.
  6. Reasonable long term - market return of 7-8% and inflation in the 2.5% range. Market has far surpassed that the past 5, 10, 15 and 20 yr periods. Doesn’t guarantee future but I went with a reasonable figure.
  7. Hoping he has pocketed at least $500k he can invest. Don’t touch. With real rate of return of 5% he can have almost $3M in today’s dollars in 35 yrs or perhaps $6M+ in nominal terms. Good nest egg for retirement. And that is before he adds to it from whatever career he picks.
  8. Spencer and Zain are going to make mincemeat of whoever they face. My prediction. Feel very confident. Rest of the field is worried about Zain, the 2023 WORLD CHAMPION at 70kg.. And they should be worried about Spencer.
  9. Wait, Pyles predicted that they were going to talk to others. The post heaped ridicule on that idea. Seems like you are against giving Pyles any credit for some reason. Go for it.
  10. @Hammerlock3 - Here is a quote from the OP. See below. I am curious if the poster is reconsidering that perhaps they actually ARE considering someone besides Coleman. Joking aside, he suggests OSU should reach out to Pat Pop, Pendleton, Branch, etc. What?! Why would anybody think they’d even consider someone besides Coleman??
  11. @The_KC_Godfather - still feeling this way? On latest FRL, Pyles is doubling down that they are really considering other candidates. The length of time it is taking to announce a new HC is seen as evidence. Thoughts?
  12. Thanks for this @uncle bernard. On #2 - can you clarify? Anti Zionism is the core but a two state solution is ok? Also, ‘from the river to the sea’ is clearly about the state of Israel not existing. It seems you are trying to push a different meaning. Are you? For #3 - fair answer. It does seem that there is evidence of a fair number of protestors supporting Hamas. Glad to hear you feel that the large large majority do not.
  13. @uncle bernard - just popping thus up as you mentioned you would get back to answer these questions. Read quote. I would amplify that if the protests were just about protecting innocents, awesome. Is that the only demand or desire from your protest crew? From major news media I’m seeing it go beyond this. Chants against Israel existing. Being against zionism. Is your protest, or those that you are with, getting this idea / demand across? If so, this is where you lose me and I would guess many others. Is there any aspect of your protest that appears to be pro hamas or otherwise justify Oct 7 … perhaps by blaming Israel? Do any of your team of protestors actively decry Oct 7 and protest Hamas’ actions on that day - Hamas’ targeting, killing, raping, and kidnapping ‘innocents’ ? Trying to get a better sense of what the FULL protest message is about.
  14. I just searched for a Greg Moyer and Penn State wrestling. Found a Twitter / X handle that is now an error. See pic. Is / was this guy actually officially or semi-officially connected with NLWC? Just seems off. Sure you have the right guy? Broken twitter page is a bad sign. But this doesn’t seem like a real wrestling fan, really connected to the sport, would do.
  15. I disagree. Goes against what generation means. Should be more rare. That said, language is like that. People misuse words all the time and the meaning is still understood. ‘I literally died laughing!’ ‘Vito freaking murdered that bracket’ - I’ll admit, I get a chuckle when ‘murdered’ is used to describe how dominant a wrestler is vs the field. Meaning I enjoy it.
  16. Reasonable questions. I don’t know and I expect the answer varies based on the situation, the value of the target, the degree the ‘innocents’ are willingly acting as shields, and so forth. How many opportunities occur to kill the rat bastard without hurting ‘innocents.’ Etc. But the answer is likely to be above 0. Above I’m pointing out the inconsistency and hypocrisy you are displaying. Trying to get you to step back and a bit and recognize the other side of the debate. Peace.
  17. For those that claim Israeli has been committing genocide.
  18. Ok. Nor are you in the Israeli commander discussions regarding degree to avoid innocents, and the challenge they have in finding Hamas as they hide under and behind civilians. Nor are you in the meeting with Israeli leaders as they’ve sought to make tradeoffs to obtain peace with Palestinians over the decades. You still have an opinion on it I’m sure.
  19. Uh, ok. Let’s use your logic. The vast vast majority of Palestinians were not born when Israel was created or its boundaries expanded. Thus they do not have a say in whether Israel has a right to exist. Sound good? No, I didn’t think so. You may not recognize Hamas as the elected and ruling government of Gaza … doesn’t make it true.
  20. So because Hamas is only the elected government of Gaza they should not be held to the same standards? Does not need to uphold the rules of war? They have less responsibility to protect innocents? Again, I disagree, completely. You choose not to answer the Q regarding what Hamas expected. You have an idea but you know expressing it would make your case and stance look bad. Your point about the long history here is fair. It is long. And complicated. And ugly. Coming out of WWII new nations were being created, borders were moved, families separated, new governments put in place and mass refugee situations had to be addressed. In all of this, Britain carved out land they effectively controlled for the new State of Israel. Almost immediately bloodshed ensued, many locals didn’t want this and along with many others nearby. They fought to expel the new arrivals and the new government and seemed to be close to winning but lost. In the near decades to follow more wars were initiated by the displeased. Israel emerging victorious each time and often increasing their land area and control. This often happens by the end of a conflict. As does the creation of refugees. However, the adjacent nations refused entry from the refugees, keeping the bottled up, in tight land areas. Israel has fought to exist over and over again. They have dealt with terrorism again and again as well as shelling of civilians. And they have taken harsh measures to protect themselves. They are not saints. I agree that many settler actions over the decades are illegal. I get being pissed about much of this. I get protesting over these illegal, disgusting, and wrong actions. And I think many were starting to look at Israel negatively as a result. But, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, rises to the level of what Hamas did. NOTHING justified it.
  21. Mike has more responsibility to not harm civilians? That is where we differ. You are giving a pass to the evil aggressor. Your right to do so, but it is ugly in my opinion. Question for you - what do you think Hamas expected to happen after they invaded Israel, raped, murdered and kidnapped in a grand scale? Curious to hear your answer. If it isn’t anything but ‘A hellish wave of Israeli retribution’ … you are naive. Hamas wanted this.
  22. @braves121 - that is disingenuous. That’s like saying …. I know Mike. Mike is having a heated argument with Brian. I don’t know Brian. So I’m only going to critique Mike and ignore all the things Brian is saying or doing that are egregiously wrong. I have my blinders on. Just silly. And for all those that take this stance, it shows a shocking degree of hypocrisy. The folks protesting Israel’s actions should also make clear that the elected Government of the Gaza Strip are evil and deserve severe retribution. But only if they believe that. I’m not thinking many of them do.
  23. Catching up … If the protest is about urging Israel to be more careful in their hunt for Hamas and by doing so kill fewer ‘innocents.’ Ok. I get that. Hell, I can be a supporter. Seems like that is what @uncle bernardis protesting about. As part of this, there is recognition that what the elected government of Gaza did was EVIL and Israel has the right and obligation to destroy the leadership and leaderships ability to conduct such EVIL. @uncle bernard .. fair to say you agree with this part too? Colleges have a history of protest action. I’m good. Protests that follow every rule don’t get much attention. These protesters want attention. However, I’ve seen plenty that suggests that the protests can go beyond this. ‘From the river to the sea, let Palestine be free’ (etc.). Basically … The desire for the elimination of Israel. I’m against that. I would not join protests for this cause.@uncle bernard - you? I’ve also seen video of protestors in the past clearly supporting Hamas. Not following the college stuff enough to know … but if any of the protests suggest support for Hamas … gross. Is there a clear write up of the exact demands of this protest movement? As an aside - Some chant Israel is has been and is committing genocide …. which is laughable on its face. Gaza population has grown a lot in past decades. Death toll would be exponentially higher if regular purposeful targeting of every human in Gaza was occurring and the eradication of Gazas population was the plan — akin to what Hamas did when it invaded Israel.
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