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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. I agree . It looks like a large college stadium ( 90k) would be a 1 billion dollars or more to build. Ohio State football budget is 70 million dollars. So football is very expensive. Have you read or heard about what Greg Hatcher is doing in Arkansas? Its an amazing story.
  2. All sports outside of men's football and men's basketball are non-revenue with very few exceptions.
  3. You are here by sentenced to be Kamala Harris's communication's advisory until further notice.
  4. Thats a knew one on me. I hadn't heard about this ridiculous so called pact. Maybe they have been watching to many Hollywood movies were this might work in theory.
  5. Not trying to be difficult. But who is the they . Just to be clear I'm not buying anything Eastman is selling. Thats ridiculous. Also I don't support any violence while protesting. Those who are violent need to be fairly prosecuted.
  6. No. But I am going to stop by and see Elena Baturina before i leave. She is going give me a loan (wink,wink) for 3.5 million. I'm not going to claim it on my income taxes so please do not tell the IRS.
  7. Well its been nice. I've got to fly back to Russia. I have to meet Putin at the Kremlin this afternoon.
  8. Thanks for you encouraging and uplifting words.
  9. Dear Lord please help us.
  10. We need another Greg Hatcher (Arkansas) . He bought mats and uniforms for 65 high schools in Arkansas. He also bought mats and uniforms and for 13 colleges. To start new wrestling. He paid for the wrestling facility at my sons college. He also donated 1.4 million to create the Wrestling Center at the Univ. of Arkansas Little Rock. These are all brand new programs.
  11. Wasn't there a slight issue in the first court appearance with prosecution having access to the video with him just walking around in the building with 2 officers like he was on a tour of the Capital.The officers were not asking him to leave. But the defense didn't have access to the same video. He was not being disrespectful. Why didn't the defense have access to the video. To be clear none of the protestors should have been violent and they should have never been inside the Capital.
  12. I know this is old. But this is the first time I have seen it. Its amazing how he was sentenced to 41 months in jail . Then the other tape finally came out and he got released.
  13. Massive riots. They will need to fence off the whole city.
  14. Coming to a theatre near you. But you will be disappointed.
  15. People don't want to wait . Not in the 24/7 news cycle we live in. I don't mean they will actually go crazy.
  16. In the last several months he has been changing. He has been critical of a number of liberal ideas and beliefs.
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