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Everything posted by Paul158

  1. Yes . He said he innocent and dad loves him . He is good.
  2. Must be nice to be able to afford the most expensive lawyer in Washington DC. I read he charges 5000 dollars per hour. I wonder who is paying for that?
  3. Hunter did not show up to be deposed. He chose instead to have a press conference. Hunter gives great credence to the statement , how can you tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving.
  4. No show. Of course . Played the old VICTIM CARD !!!!!
  5. Yes he pulled out the huge, overused VICTIM CARD !!!!!!!! Can you believe it.
  6. Talk about acting on your own feelings. You're a lawyer you need to deal with the facts. Believe me, if the Democrats could have impeached Trump dozens of times they would have. The vitriol hatred for Trump is beyond belief.
  7. Ok. We know you are a lawyer . Do you personally think what is going on at the border is lawful (legal) ? Do you also think everything is just fine at the border?
  8. So President Biden and Mayorkas are saying by their own actions that they don't care what the law says. They are saying to the citizens of America to hell with you. The laws don't apply to them/
  9. President by his very actions is ignoring the law . He is also ignoring the oath he took to be president. Mayorkas by his very actions is ignoring the law. Mayorkas is also violating his oath he took to be the head of DHS.
  10. Isn't that exactly what Joe Biden and Mayorkas are doing ignoring the very laws of our country pertaining to the border. They are also ignoring the oaths of office they took .
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong , but weren't congressmen and senators calling for impeachment of President Trump before he even took the oath of office? Don't congressmen and senators know what are the impeachable offenses? Were the Democrats going just on their dislike of President Trump and making it just political?
  12. Do you know where I get that from. Joe Biden and Mayorkas who have total disregard for the law. If they were following the laws of this nation we wouldn't have 12,000 people coming across the border every day Would we. So who exactly doesn't give a D!! about the law.
  13. They do. I guess it doesn't cover the security of our southern border and protecting our citizens. It must be in the small print.
  14. Joe Biden speaking. Let me call XI and see if he has got the critical information on all of our military bases. XI speaking on the phone with Joe. Joe please wait until the spy balloon clears the outer banks and the coast line then we should be good, then you can shoot it down. Joe speaking . You got XI ,glad I could be of help. XI speaking . Which offshore bank account would you like the money deposited in.
  15. to me its impeachable. I doesn't matter to me what the laws says. As an American citizen I feel the safety of my family an other Americans is in great jeopardy From the fentanyl to all of the unsavory individuals who coming across the border. How do you vet someone if they don't any papers or documents. Then you have thousands of got aways. Thats a huge problem. Will he get impeached .No. Does it really matter now. No . The damage is already done.
  16. Great question. MSpart is right sometimes its more about the politics. To do what is right may hurt you in the long run. Sort of like overplaying your hand in cards. Need to tap the brakes and see what is the best move.
  17. Actually just the immigration disaster should be enough to impeach him. He has destroyed our National security by letting in 4 million illegal immigrants which directly effects the safety of our citizens. He is illegally tampering with the integrity of our elections. Because they will find away to get them to vote. He has put a tremendous strain on all of our hospitals,police ,schools and every other service that tax payers are paying for.
  18. I think was in the Smokers (meat ) thread in October. Something about an over cooked brisket. lol
  19. Are you referring to the incontrovertible evidence Adam Schiff had for 5 years. I would bet you Adam is still claiming he had uncovered evidence about seditious and clandestine conspiracy.
  20. You are woefully mistaken. Putin had agreements with Obama,The BIG GUY Joe and Hillary. Trump really screwed that up. Putin loves the BIG GUY and his son Hunter.
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