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Paul158 last won the day on August 20 2024

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Big Brain

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  1. They don't seem to get. On Almost every 80/20.issue they are on the 20 side. I hope they stay there. The American voter will replace them come election time.
  2. Oh my gosh the Democrats have little paddles they are holding up that say False on them. Every time that President Trump makes a remark. So petty.
  3. Well, that didn't last long. They, the Sergent in Arms had to escort Mr. Green out.
  4. I'm going to watch mostly for the entertainment value. What hidden surprise will we see, from you know the gang. Well Pelosi won't being tearing up the speech this time. Some of them aren't going to show up. Thats normal. What's cooking on the grill tonight?
  5. I know. It is plausible. You never know what the future holds. Just trying to freak out, hmm you know.
  6. Only 3 years,10 months and 3 weeks to go. Then there is a good chance you will have JD Vance for 8 more years. The Golden Age of America. Will we have any converts?
  7. Wait a minute RL is that really you? Common ground, who knew.
  8. You are a smart guy. I am a regular guy. But i will try this. A large factory in an American town. 2500 immediate jobs. Another 2500 supporting jobs. From the factory workers, truck drivers, diners, electricians and other good paying jobs created by the new factory. Good jobs for good families. American workers paying local, state and federal taxes. Isn't it a good idea to make the products we buy to be made in America. Even if it might cost more, isn't it worth it? Don't we need more good paying jobs here in America?
  9. They should have been out several hours ago.
  10. Absolutely perfect. Good counter punch.
  11. The answer is yes. If the other side had just been listening to what he has said they would have known that. All they need to do is go back and listen his hearing. But it is so much easier to jump to conclusions. They can also listen to the liberal media that for some reason they missed his confirmation hearing. Is this intentional stupidity or just hate.
  12. Dang, more of that winning. This is getting old already. We were so accustomed to losing the last 4 yeas. I really need a drink, and I don't drink. The art of the deal.
  13. They had the worst candidate in American history. Biden. Then they decided to change midstream. Then they went and found a candidate that was worse than Biden. Kamala. Unbelievable. Now they are unhappy. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Good luck Dems.
  14. If I might ask, why do you allow him (Trump) to live rent free in your brain? If you dislike him so much, why does he occupy your every thought? That is just not very healthy.
  15. No, there is an official process when you want to change the definition. Otherwise, it could be considered fraud.
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