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Paul158 last won the day on August 20

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  1. I just feel the Police, Secret Service, and FBI were really lucky (again) that they got the data within minutes of the engagement because of a bystander who got pictures of everything they needed and then contacted the authorities immediately. I also mentioned the Sheriff Dept and the head Sheriff said and I Quote " the suspect would still be out there if not for the data supplied by the bystander". I have a feeling he would have been back in Ukraine by the time they could have identified him.
  2. You would think. Maybe they are trying to save face. That an inexperienced 20-year-old on an 1800-dollar budget was able to outwit the Secret service. The Secret Service with their 11,000 employees and 3.1-billion-dollar budget. The Sheriff (Willian Snyder) who apprehended the shooter said the shooter would still be out there without the help of the bystander. He saw him, pulled out his phone and got pictures of the shooter, the car and the license plate. Then he notified the authorities. I saw a report where the shooter was in that exact spot for 12 hours.
  3. 61 years later America is still waiting on the FULL RESULTS from the JFK assassination. I will be long gone by the time we get the results of these 2 assassination attempts on Trump.
  4. Are you being purposely obtuse? Try doing some real research. He voted once for Trump BUT HAS SINCE BEEN A STAUNCH SUPPORTER of democrats and their policies. Did you read that the only way they were able to catch him was because a bystander saw him. He pulled out his phone and got a picture of him ,his car and the License plate. Nothing he left on the ground aided in his capture. These are the words from the Sheriff that apprehended him. The Sheriff said without the bystander the shooter would be still out there.
  5. My apologies. I totally forgot it is deer hunting season. He just happened to find a good deal on AK47 with its serial number removed, which is an excellent deer hunting rifle. The golf course is very plush with grass and all kinds of vegetation for deer to eat. He also got a great deal on some bullet proof ceramic plates to put in some vests. You know just in case the deer might shoot back. Unfortunately, he picked a bad time to go hunting on the golf course because there were people out there actually golfing. I have learned my lesson. I promise to be more diligent and to not jump so quickly. to a conclusion.
  6. Maybe someone can come up with an app to be able to keep up with all the wrestlers and the coaches as they switch schools. NCAA football is insane right now. Almost every play has a player that was in the portal and switched schools.
  7. He had over 100 police encounters while living in North Carolina and at some point, moved to Hawaii. He actually spent some time in Ukraine recently. I am not sure where his current residence is. Other than a jail cell right next to Trumps golf course. They say the inmates can actually look out the windows and see the golf course.
  8. Easy now. I'm not trying to assassinate you.
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