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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. But why wouldnt they just wrestle at their natural weight class at 174? Is Jimmy holding a gun to their heads? Also, Jimmy hasn't answered why Ben in his prime has to suck down to a weight class he never wrestled at in college
  2. I know a kid from The Shire, Pennsylvania. He won PIAA that year with a wizard in the finals. What was most fascinating is how he neutralized his opponent in the 1st period with an Elf's Bow & Arrow.
  3. At this point most I can give you is I think the over under for total matches going to Sudden Victory should be set at 3.5
  4. I'm in just want to wait and see if Haines wrestles
  5. I think he'll pick 7 125, 141, 149, 157, 165, 197, Hvwt
  6. They would've still lost on criteria. Not intentional. Bogus deduction @21:55 @
  7. He's the real deal. His biggest problem is that so are a lot of other guys at 165. We'll know a lot in his next 3 matches. He gets Caleb Fish next who he lost to last year, then PK, followed by Kharchla.
  8. I think he'll have a solid career but for this year it's hard for me to picture Facundo finishing in the top 6. So many land mines at 165 For top 4 there are the obvious wrestlers plus I believe Bartlett and Haines have a legitimate shot. Not quite ready to put SVN in that group
  9. Somewhere out there MSU and Drake Mallard are having a terrible night
  10. I'll take PSU as a dark horse to win it all
  11. I think he also had UM winning the dual last year and picked either the Wolverines or the Hawkeyes to win NCAA's. His gimmick is getting beyond tired and boring.
  12. Agree with you. Just reminding the board of Jimmy's constant stupidity. His schtick is old
  13. Wow what a surprise. Jimmy makes another stupid prediction
  14. Hoping Haines gets his signature win of the year but I think Lewan scores on counters with those heavy hips.
  15. I don't walk around looking into cameras and telling people I'm the best fighter in the world just to hear myself talk. I say it for the same reason they put warnings on packages of cigarettes, and fighting Chael Sonnen may be hazardous to one's health. Chael Sonnen
  16. "Well that sucked." -PortaJohn after every practice
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