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Everything posted by PortaJohn

  1. Curious as to why you made those picks. Lewan is tailor made to beat wrestlers with Siebrecht's style. As for Amine/Kennedy I have no idea how that plays out.
  2. In my excitement of finding out there is an international board, who would've thunk, I spent the last 3 hours cleaning out a particular craper just for MP. Its closed to the general public and MP will get a key fob in the mail shortly
  3. Let me tell you something about Merriam. She's nothing more than another pre-Madonna
  4. For all intensive purposes how about you curve your hunger with a bowl of cold slaw as "that guy" on these hear boards before you turn yourself into a social leopard.
  5. It's a shame we don't have an International board on the Intermat forum to discuss this topic. @BobDole @Husker_Du anyway we can fix that?
  6. Ferrari, obviously has much better WWE credentials. But Steveson had an impressive suplex on Chas Betts. Ferrarri has much more wear and tear on his personal life while Steveson had less issues in college. Steveson has stated many times his goal was to win Wrestlemania and Royal Rumble. But he also supposedly is next in line to be the next CEO of the WWE. Ferrari hasn't really stated his goals but he's pursuing WWE seriously now it seems. I doubt he's going to end up in the AEW given his demeanor. Factoring in all things, who do you think ends up having the better WWE career? Steveson or Ferrari?
  7. Kyle Snyder vs Gable Steveson Tom Brands vs Travis Lee Bo Nickal vs Cael Sanderson Wade Schalles vs Jason Nolf
  8. A.C pinned Marvin Nedick October 18, 1989. Then Pinned Briggs Nov 23 1991. The Valley is still talking about it
  9. Was scratching my head when the penalty point was awarded last night. Will have to go back and watch the match to see if the ref warned him a few times during the match. If thats the case then Kharchla only has himself to blame. The Amine match was bad on a whole other level.
  10. @Jimmy Cinnabon meet @Wrassler....the forum is now in Yin Yang balance.
  11. No No No...
  12. We all have @flyingcementas a tag team partner for these situations. Just tag him in to the ring
  13. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I appreciate you offering your opinion but you offered literally nothing of substance. An absolute nothing of a post.
  14. I'm sorry you don't understand sarcasm. I wish you were smarter. I hope those close to you encourage you to be a continuous learner.
  15. To be fair to @GreatWhiteNorth I'm pretty sure he at least knows how to correctly spell, 'fish"
  16. Be careful. You're going to get attacked
  17. Be careful. You're going to get attacked
  18. Is it too late to start a thread This Friday, Patrick Mckee will beat Spencer Lee
  19. Does Patrick McKee somehow score any offensive points?
  20. you're not going to get called for stalling with your feet and knees planted into the ground and youre not being driven backwards
  21. Romero came with a hell of a game plan tonight
  22. Facundo is a boring man's Quentin Wright
  23. I'm so looking forward to watch Facundo battle his way to another Sudden Victory period.
  24. Looking Good! Pink fits you well
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