Kraisser is also super funky, if you haven't yet go watch the long scramble he had with the Grandview wrestler so I see that being a surprisingly important weight for both schools because 6 team points can happen at any moment. The only reason I can see 141 potentially going Iowa State's way is just because it's Woods first time down at 141 this year and Swiderski is a little Metcalf on the mat, just relentless.
I agree 141, 149, 157, and 197 are all tossups, but I think ISU should be favored at 184. I also think 174 should be a tossup because there's no way Brands is 100% healthy rn
I'm just guessing on lineups here and think this will be one heck of a dual.
125: Harris/Ybarra
133: Schriever/Teske
141: Bennett/Woods
149: Murin
157: Siebrecht
165: Kennedy
174: Brands
184: Assad
197: Warner
285: Cassioppi
Iowa State
125: Terukina
133: Attasauov/Redding
141: Swiderski
149: Johnson
157: Kraisser
165: Carr
174: Broderson
184: Coleman
197: Bastida
285: Schuyler