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Fadzaev2 last won the day on February 28 2023

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  1. I stand corrected....I misread the list.
  2. ?????? current Olympic Gold Medalist???? , and there has been a 4 time Hodge winner and a few two timers, but has there been a 3 timer??????
  3. He could just pivot on his knee and keep squaring up. I've coached two kids in my "over 40 years" of coaching and working wrestling camps who had limbs missing......one had one leg missing below the knee, the other had both legs missing below the knee, and they were very difficult to shoot on....the other kids in the room would get very frustrated. That's another reason I think it's very important to have a good front headlock/short offense, and a lot of guys, even coming out of high school, don't.
  4. I you go to a knee, it pretty much eliminates a leg attack against you.....now the best option is limited to a short offense...snapdowns/go behind, and lot's of guys aren't that good at it. In addition, you need to get lower and ready to down block his shots because he's already changed levels.
  5. I actually I had edited it, adding that in, but somehow it didn't appear. I actually could probably go back through clinic notes from the 70's and find where and by whom I learned it from. I actually think I remember.....may have to go to my office library....lol.
  6. I appreciate you're being in my corner WKN......someday I'll show you another hold I learned a long time ago (I'll show it on someone else....lol).....the "banana split cradle".....variation of a cradle and banana splits....could call it a variation of a spladle I suppose as well.
  7. In my mind some of the very best are Dave Schultz (during his freestyle career), Terry and Troy Steiner, Tim Krieger, Mike Sheets, Mark Churella, and then his sons, both Josh and Ryan. Dan Zilverberg and one of his protege's....Pat McNamara.
  8. I guess you like to argue!!! I teach that the 4 most important takedowns in wrestling are single leg, double leg, hi-crotch and a front headlock (short offense off the front headlock). Single leg is head inside and Hi-c head outside. Fadz P.S. You'd love my video library which goes all the way back to 1970.....nothing but "hi-level" Wrestling!!
  9. NO....you hi-crotch, drive across to get him off balance, and then change off to a double leg. A high crotch you attack one leg, double leg you attack both legs.
  10. I didn't say they were the same.....it's a variation of a spladle......just like there's variations of cradles...including a banana split cradle. Fadz
  11. Oh OK....You believe what you want to believe!
  12. Oh OK......and Metcalf wasn't pinned her either, but it's a spladle
  13. No kidding....is it a pin or is it a fall...
  14. It's a variation of a spladle....just because "Rock" said it wasn't, doesn't mean he's right. Not that what I say is the Gospel, but what he said isn't either. I'd bet Wade Schalle, Shane Sparks, Jim Gibbons, John Smith and Jordan Burroughs would all agree with me.
  15. It's a variation of a Spladle made "famous" by Wade Scalles. Here's one.... https://www.google.com/search?q=wade+schalles+spladle&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1047US1047&oq=wade+schalles+spladle&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABjvBTIKCAIQABiABBiiBDIKCAMQABiABBiiBNIBCjIwNjM2ajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8b2aebed,vid:fmfLsA6zYro,st:0
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