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Fadzaev2 last won the day on February 28 2023

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NCAA Qualifier

NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. The guy who beat Dave in the NCAA finals, Greg Wojchiechowski, is being induction into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame this year.
  2. By "didn't see", I meant in this thread....I've see all 3. of them...and I know I'm in the minority, but I watched Vision Quest around 1988 and taped over it soon after....that's what I thought of it. That's just me.
  3. It's a "tough" ticket even with my source....don't always get lower bowl. For many years, I was actually on the floor.
  4. Yes way. I mean yes way my prices.....you need to find another source for tickets.....this is my 46th NCAA/40 in a row, and $500 is the highest I've ever paid....of course the first year/'72 programs were $2 and now they are around $25.
  5. Lower bowl $500, upper bowl $400 is what I know
  6. Here's the one I thought of....
  7. I'm surprised more posters haven't submitted their list?????
  8. I think Gable was just wrestling on Cruise Control last night. Another day at the office, a walk in the park.
  9. Here's a fun highlight video of Smith hitting his duckunder, he also gets a bodylock in it. I have a video of him hitting a great Metzger against Russia either in Iowa City or Portland dual....it's in my library. He told me he had never hit on in a match before and it was one of the best you'll ever see. Andre would have been proud!!! lol https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=529181984884859
  10. doing 10 or 15 is tough, and longer you've been around, the tougher it is.
  11. Okie State is very common.....been around for a long time.
  12. had to throw that "PF" word in there didn't you....lol
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