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Hurricane Wrestling

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Everything posted by Hurricane Wrestling

  1. Peacock is working for me right now.
  2. Yes, time to break up the NLWC. In fact, we ought to...
  3. I blame Terry and Tom.
  4. Ha! I think that was Suzie Shagwell, who was hilarious! I heard somewhere that he's passed away a few years ago. Hopefully, its not true.
  5. Good point - and not only Cael but the other NLWC coaches; Cody Sanderson, Casey Cunningham, Jake Varner, Mark McKnight, and Nick Lee. They're all failures as coaches - and BTW they were only mediocre at best when they were competing (in both folk and freestyle). Somebody needs to clean house!
  6. Ha! Who was that poster on the old forum who self-pinned himself in the state finals and whose hero was the Iranian Abbas Jadidi? He was hilarious - wish he'd return.
  7. Ha! Just spit the coffee out onto the keyboard - good one, bnwtwg! P.S. I'll PM you in case there's any lasting damage to the laptop - in which case reimbursement will ne required.
  8. Where are you guys watching the matches live? Any links appreciated - thanks!
  9. Anybody have a link to the N Korea vs. India match being discussed? (I normally weigh in with uninformed opinions, but may want to try a different approach.)
  10. You've always had a thing for headshucks, haven't you?
  11. You've always had a thing for headshucks, haven't you?
  12. I think you may have misconceptions about Catholic doctrine. For example, below (first link) is an article titled "Mary, Gate of Heaven," by a Catholic cardinal. Note that he indicates that, since Mary gave birth to Jesus, she opened the door to to "the great achievement...of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to save the world by dying on the cross for it." In short, Mary is the door to heaven in the sense that she was instrumental in bringing Jesus into the world, not that she's the way to salvation, which is only through Jesus. As another example, the second link below is an article titled "Is Jesus the Only Way to Salvation?" by a Catholic writer. Note that he also states that the only way to eternal salvation is through the "Good Shepherd that lays down his life for his sheep." https://www.cardinaljohnhenrynewman.com/mary-gate-of-heaven-cardinal-newman/ https://catholicexchange.com/jesus-way-salvation/ I would be interested in the "bunch of other things" you refer to that cause you to believe that Catholics don't believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven - preferably from Catholic sources. (There's lots of information floating around about what other religions believe, but often it consists of misconceptions, uninformed opinions, etc.)
  13. But if she went to Iowa, her degree wouldn't be worth much.
  14. Gus, I believe you're mistaken about Catholics. I'm not one, but my wife is, and she says Catholics believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven. I also found this info on the catholic.com site: "A lot of people have misconceptions about the Catholic Church. Catholic Answers is a media ministry that answers questions about what the Church really teaches...The Church understands that...(w)e can’t save ourselves, but we don’t need to: Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins. The Catholic Church teaches that salvation comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12), since he is the “one mediator between God and man” (1 Tm 2:5-6)."
  15. What date does the Olympic wrestling start? Thanks.
  16. I remember thinking the same think right before the match started. It was almost as if Taylor could sense it might be a "changing of the guard" type match.
  17. I don't always think criticizing the Brands brothers is warranted, but I enjoy doing it nonetheless.
  18. That's certainly great experience, but your screen name will likely hurt your chances.
  19. Hard to be considered the GOAT if there's that one guy that always had your number.
  20. Maybe he's moving for safety reasons. The Safety Manager where I worked gave the staff a presentation documenting that most serious car accidents occurred within a 25 mile radius of home. So, several of us sold our houses and moved.
  21. I was hoping it'd be this...
  22. Amen! Great stuff, Juan!
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