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Are there any crypto enthusiasts? Investors? Traders? 

If so, what tokens are you enthusiastic about? Investing in? or Trading?

And what is your thesis?

I am not any of the above, but I find the topic endlessly fascinating. And since there are several notable members of the wrestling community who are very active in crypto, I thought I would check here. Ben Askren, obviously, but also @Husker_Du via the Rokfin payments in their native token, RAE.

Speaking of which, Willie are you willing to share your experience (not what you get paid) with transacting? I see that RAE is pretty stable (as these go) and trading around a dollar, but only trades on a few exchanges. Has it been relatively easy to do conversions, or do you just let it ride?


Drowning in data, but thirsting for knowledge

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sorry WKN, just seeing this.

my experience in crypto has been....idk...seasonal.

i get in to it more in the summer when i have some downtime. i've played around with a bunch of alt coins with modest purchases but have really only invested significant amounts in ETH.

As far as RAE, I'm a believer in it. That being said, the situation with it right now, actually, is probably the worst. It halved a few months back and the price still hasn't gone to where it should.

But it is 'stable' unlike so many coins. And the reason I believe in it is b/c it has real world application: the economy of a Rokfin wherein money comes in and goes out. The number of cryptocurrencies which are practical, and not theoretical/speculative is almost nil. 

Trading RAE, as you mentioned, was/is limited. it used to be more difficult but there 1) it's now on uniswap and 2) there are liquidity pools which mitigate transaction costs. 

  • Fire 1


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