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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. So you are openly admitting that when people you don't like get cheated you think its ok?
  2. omg how hot was must that refs date be...
  3. if JC were funny he'd be making topics like, "is there evidemce of Spenser Lees injuries?"
  4. this wreaks of character issues to me...the "boo hoo someone had to make weight" crowd is bizarre.
  5. thanks again didn't know that
  6. thanks, hard for me to think ulrey gets majored...Lewis isn't a great with his own points either but i don't know faison...141 184 197 looking big...based on your prediction I would only say a lot more wiggle room for tech.
  7. This is my favorite dual of the year, good individual rivalries, the teams really don't like each other, weird stuff tends to happen...but I'm not familiar enough with NC States lineup to do a top down prediction so someone else do it please!
  8. i was going for the classy thing but OMG is this the case. Dude thinks its radio most of the time.
  9. I sort of want this to be constructive, and someone has to since flo cant handle comments on their website and pyles gets scared and blocks all the mean twitter people... Please stop... 1) asking people if they like hostile enviroments and tough opponents, we know the answer. 2) Labeling things "insider"...you're not an insider. 3) Showing us nick suriano for no reason. Once he's weighed in at a competition I care, but until then no one cares about where he is boucning to next....I'd be one thing is these pieces had any information in them but it tend to be stuff I get on twitter (even with the Flo bros and most other wrestling media people muted).
  10. but who is?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  11. its starocci by a mile. If he wrestled for iowa he'd fit the "iowa heel" narrative and we wouldn't hear about anything else...
  12. it looks like they have to ask relly nicely to get him on the mat at 125.....
  13. PSU has no rivals, and there is nothing approaching a clear cut team for who gonna be the NCAA Runner-up....PSU should just stay home, when the dual meet talk cycles around everyone says the sanctity of the NCAA individual tournament is too important, well lets ban PSU and you won't be able to tell the difference between sessions 4 and session 5.
  14. starocci is so good his overtime matches aren't even close
  15. People like to sak me who my team is, well its cornell and tech. 125: CU by dec (3-0) 133: CU by dec (6-0) 141: Tech dec (6-3)toss up 149: CU by dec (9-3) 157: Tech by Maj (9-7) 165: CU by dec (12-7) 174: Tech by dec (12-10) 184: Tech by maj (12-14) 197: CU by dec (15-14) 285: CU by dec (18-14) Tech doesn't match up great even though I feel like they are wrestling better, assuming no loew and that Andonian is back, 125 and 141 are huge, maybe HWY, tech can win 197 so if you were doing an upset special thing thats it.
  16. the ASU back ups so far have done their job
  17. why are they not cutting this kid....its a BACKUP, cardenas is one of your studs....
  18. good point by Pyles...cardenas doens't need a set up...
  19. is someone gonna wrestle well this dual....
  20. if foca doesn't terminate this match the theme of cornell underperforming will continue...
  21. this ref is ballsy with the stall calls and a coward with falls...
  22. anyone know this guys annoying uncle?
  23. mclanahan might have trouble finding someone to sit next to on the bus....
  24. is they were gay they'd be more interesting
  25. the cornell kid seems to think he's gonna win
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