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Hammerlock3 last won the day on November 11 2024

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  1. if you take out the "no doubt" part I can get on board. "I think" is fine.
  2. thats an insanely bad idea.
  3. yeah but you have to stuff it with bread and cheese!
  4. you're right. fair enough.
  5. those are bureaucrats who don't respond to anything but a sufficient volume of ugly noise.
  6. Are they even edible? they seem too fibrous...
  7. yeah maybe....see last post where i replied to portajohn.
  8. I appreciate you saying that, but if we don't talk about it there is no chance it ever reaches the level where it has to be meaningfully addressed, and its impossible to discuss it without baseless implications at the minimum. I don't like participating and will stop, but this is a discussion that should go on.
  9. in fairness to me, I never said Haines was defying natural law by making 157, so you can't straw man me to death. In fairness to you, until the NCAA gets serious about this stuff the discussion is a bottomless pit so I shouldn't have gotten involved.
  10. yeah but does the family typically have a dramatic physical change in the course of a 9 month period?
  11. ok so you are saying nelson brands is on steroids.
  12. Remember when Cassar had that 2nd puberty just in time to go HWY!
  13. yeah my mistake, except with Rocklobster she can spin her wheels all she wants.
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