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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Nice try at a diversion.
  2. No I’m asking a question that I already know the answer to. That you won’t answer.
  3. And you seem to be really proud that you can type a second grade sentence. Congrats!!!!
  4. Hey Dumbass, you never said you hated any government. You said you think they’re wrong and should be stopped. I think my wife is wrong a lot. Doesn’t mean I hate her.
  5. And doesn’t Iran currently support Hamas?
  6. Well you’d think wrong. Unless of course you’re saying Iran is at war with us.
  7. America has been lobbing bombshell and sending misses into foreign countries for weeks now. We at war?
  8. Pretty simple. Don’t use a double negative and flat out just say you hate the governments. Oh and then don’t say you literally did when you literally didn’t.
  9. Why would he be allowed not to pay his debts????
  10. And there’s still ways to get to the shut ins that may not have access to the internet or transportation. Many fly over states that can’t find doctors or can’t afford hospitals are moving to mobile care (traveling dr/hospital. We have mobile libraries and bloodmobiles. Seems to me that a voting mobiles could go to the elder care establishments etc
  11. I completed my 2020 US census survey on my phone. The census is what we use to decide how many representatives for congress each state gets and how much federal funding each state gets. It seems to me that if it works for something as important as the census it should be safe and functional enough to use for elections. Simple verification, simple survey voting questions and then completing the vote. Also, IMO it would be easier to track any fraud if it exists than mail in ballots and machines.
  12. I’ve seen it here and there but I do think it’s something that will continue to have legs in the future. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/01/nyregion/keeping-parties-off-ballots-is-now-something-to-argue.html
  13. I’d support it being a federal holiday but it’s not something I think should be at the top of the list. I think the number of states is 43 that offer early voting, some that offer as much as 15 days. Plus many companies will allow you to leave work to vote. To me if you can’t figure out how to vote in 5-15 days you don’t deserve to vote. We have a citizenship test why not a voters test?
  14. I really love the part where you say you don’t hate all Jews.
  15. You literally said you DONT hate Gazans (which according to you is Hamas)
  16. you literally are that dumb huh?
  17. That’s the point. Force them to do the research like SOME of us do. And I think you give american voters too much credit. There’s a reason why politicians don’t want the R and D removed.
  18. A perfect reason to remove the R and D.
  19. Scared to tell them? Please elaborate.
  20. You don’t think that’s exactly what’s happening? Removing Democrat or Republican from the ballot would confuse the Fu&k out of this country.
  21. I don’t see any problem with him being him. not paying off his bets on the other hand is worth a ban
  22. Well we should get along just fine then
  23. Literally huh genius??? And where did you say you hated hamas???? You should really go back and read what you actually typed
  24. It’s the internet. Why would anyone be scared of what someone says to them here? You’ve called me numerous things (a moron, bully, scared etc…) and questioned my honesty. I can guarantee you I won’t lose a second of sleep over any of it. Why? Because it doesn’t matter. If anything maybe you’ll learn just that. I can tell that nobody here is going to change your mind and I’m quite confident in saying you won’t change any minds on here either. I could spend an entire day giving you actual experiences of why I don’t like unions. I won’t because it wouldn’t do any good, evidenced by the response you gave me. It’s much more fun to rattle your cage instead. Enjoy the rest of your day. I know I will.
  25. I’ve posted at least three articles in this thread that I’ve stated are interesting to the discussion. Did you read any of them ??
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