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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. We already know Uncle Hamas lover Bernie is a piece of shit
  2. You’re the joke you piece of shi$
  3. Youve shown your true colors. Case closed.
  4. Sometimes twat and Cu#t aren’t enough.
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/map-shows-16-suspected-terrorists-arrested-across-the-us-after-being-allowed-in-by-fed-bungles-alarm-bells-are-ringing/ar-BB1pPo6E?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=360c15a22730402e90b783f5777e6bd0&ei=65 nothing to see here.
  6. https://www.americanfinancing.net/saving-money/extra-mortgage-principal-payments# Anytime you can, pay extra towards your principal.
  7. My original comment. Now compare it to the part you highlighted out of context. So easy
  8. My post makes plenty of sense if you read the thread. Go back and read the comment of mine that you bolded. You only used part of my comment. Pretty simple to figure out if you have a clue.
  9. Newsom is a crook. California is a shithole. America is next if he’s ever in charge.
  10. It was bad but Biden does it 10x more often. I know math is hard for you but try figure out the difference.
  11. That’s exactly the point. Get a passport. Come in legally and then become a citizen the right way. Shouldn’t be that funny.
  12. A passport to get into another country. Wow. Not at our southern border they don’t.
  13. I hope everything went well for your son.
  14. I’ve never once been asked for my ID at Home Depot
  15. When the government is fining and removing liquor licenses for those breaking the law I’d say they feel it’s a problem that needs to be addressed
  16. I do the same. Unless it’s my dumbass lazy nephew that free loads off the government.
  17. I was responding to the guy that says he’s not aware of any states that require an ID to sell alcohol
  18. I don’t know are we? I was responding to the guy that said there aren’t any states that do. Thanks for help and feel free to list all that do for us. Or any that may not.
  19. There are many states and even more localities that require an ID to purchase alcohol (Tobacco purchases are becoming more common too). Some post the businesses that fail to do so ALONG with the fine they’re required to pay. It can also cause loss of their liquor license. This didn’t happen 20 years ago but does now.
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