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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Mini college football helmets. I have all the Division 1 teams. 130+ teams
  2. I would not want to be seeded #1 come NCAAs. 2 or lower takes top podium.
  3. We need an Ncaa Wrestling video game. We could simulate those matches. No as good as the real thing, but easier to make than a time machine.
  4. I really like this new lineup, what say you?
  5. I forgot about that loss...
  6. Vito had a great run this passed year. Beating RBY and World Champ
  7. He might look better by March. We'll see
  8. Rasta you seem to be an early bird like me. We get shit done! Are you in Florida?
  9. Very sad honestly.
  10. Hype train over and done with.
  11. Keuter might kill this guy
  12. Not looking pretty for Allred right now
  13. Chances of seeing Keuter are getting worse lol.
  14. Pulled it out!
  15. Wow!
  16. Right on the edge too.
  17. Super scrambling going on.
  18. Upset alert. Kinda
  19. Nice td!
  20. Here we go!
  21. Looks good let's do this. Should be fun to watch Rocco vs Ruth
  22. That's insane. I prefer college football myself.
  23. Is he allowed to RS since he already played football this season?
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