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College Redshirt

College Redshirt (9/14)

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  1. And just think, last year at this time IU was just a basketball school! You never know, is right!
  2. Seem like you have low expectations for Angels era as a coach. Attendance is not an indication of the program’s success quotient. See Chicago Cubs before 2016.
  3. Both good observations and spot on. The attraction To IU,from in state elite ,has eluded the program for several years. I summised that it was a D. Goldman problem, but it has continued here in the Escobedo era so far. Angel needs to solve this to be able to be more than a bottom feeder in the conference. No two ways about it.
  4. No one is advocating changing anything.
  5. Angel is at a crossroads here, as I see it. He needs desperately ,to break through and get one or two on the NCAA podium, in the next year or two. He has elevated the room talent 3 fold ,over Duane’s last 5 years in charge, but he needs a couple of hammers desperately to keep the momentum going forward. We’ll see. I think he needs a good recruiter in the program to get the job done. His only weakness as I see it. But a major flaw.
  6. And Nick South at 74
  7. Cool. Good wrestler teaching good wrestling. Nothing but positives here.
  8. This topic, last time ,got someone banned for a short period of time. I see age mellows us all.
  9. Day care?
  10. Will the athletes be considered “property of th university or college? And be used in ways other than their athletic ability to generate income for the university now hat they are paid employees. Not independent contractors. 1099. Sort of turn the NIL thing around for the schools.
  11. My friend Barry! Nice move. And good for anyone who hires him. Positives all the way around.
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