Earl--I think it comes down to incentivizing wrestling--or more specifically removing disincentives. One thing that would help is a system that only incentivizes WINS--and increases that incentive for QUALITY WINS. The issue now is that losses--particularly bad losses to low ranked guys or stud redshirt true freshman without much ranking--is a killer. Further, if you have a high ranking, you don't need to do much to keep it. Why not incentivize wins and quality wins--don't punish losses at all? Just seed based on who has the most winning weighted for quality. This way guys will be encouraged to get as many wins as they can--particularly the wins over studs--and no downside for losing. Put in some guardrails for allowable number of matches so guys don't wrestle too much (25-30?). Guys will want ALL the matches and the ducking will be gone. Just a thought.....