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  1. If Max Mcenelly hits the portal, with 3 years left. He would command NFL money
  2. I think we see Robideau at 165 and Lockett at 174. Both will end up there eventually and it’s better to Develop than just worried about a big cut.
  3. Has anyone had as many top 25 recruit not AA as Ohio St the past 10 years?
  4. Steveson losing just reminds me more of Caldwell over Metcalf than Owings over Gable. Caldwell was also unbeaten that year and not taken seriously. People just get caught in the moment too much of whatever happened today is the biggest event ever. Look at Hendrickson’s scores vs Gables scores against the top 10 type guys. Very comparable, nobody should be shocked that it was super close. I still put Owings over Gable tops Hendrickson over Gable 2 and then Caldwell over Metcalf 3
  5. Minnesota needs him bad, unless Vombaur moves up. Roberts has maximized his potential as a borderline top 20 guy last year and a non qualifier this year. Rathjen should be r12 type
  6. Alright so let’s throw some names out. Who’s body says maybe from a physique standpoint and had a inflated performance at the end of the year? Sheldon Seymour Trevor Chumbley Ben Kueter Jaxon Smith who are we all suspecting? Tyler Kasak Levi Haines AJ Ferrari
  7. They need to revert back to the old days of a 80% Italian lineup
  8. Just my take but Gable was only in it as it was his highest paying opportunity. He does credit Union commercials, will promote just about anything for a buck. His opportunities are running out for a payday. WWE is out, NFL is out, MMA is his last shot before getting a real job.
  9. It is a fact though, no different than Dan Gable losing his last match. Gable Dan lost his as well
  10. Am I the only one who thinks the Mirasolas are overrated? They just don’t strike me as the level of the rest of the lineup
  11. Just watched the flo interview on YouTube, he’s clearly sick. Constantly coughing, eyes watering or he has terrible allergies.
  12. Michigan st just had .5 points. Fish and Saldate left, it’s time for Roger Chandler and the entire staff to get fired.
  13. To me Minnesota has underperformed. Isaiah Salazar is a returning semi finalist and ranked top 10 all year, goes 0-2. Wells and Flynn don’t shoot, if they did they could be round of 12 to top 6.Vombaur was almost teched by Mendez. Sparks went 1-2.
  14. They need to get Barr out of there with the tattoos. Italian and Bible extremism will be top priority st PSU
  15. Ferrari has a small lower body for a 197. He’s not particularly tall, the guys usually furthest over are the 157-165 pounders. Ferrari maybe will get to 215 but down to 210 after a big warmup sweat as big dudes lose more weight.
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