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Husker U

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Everything posted by Husker U

  1. What was said and done was wrong, but Tom Ryan is not losing his job over this. She he apologize, I definitely think he should. In the heat of battle, (which does not excuse it) coaches are going to say things and this definitely was one of those bad situations.
  2. What a sad situation and I hate this for Sammy. Those punks that shot him, took away so much from this great young man. Good luck with your future and I hope it still involves the sport of wrestling.
  3. Most programs are dry during the season. I know we had the cut off date of November 1st. We always hosted a huge Halloween party and then we were done. Of course you would have some guys that would party occasionally, but the starters would stay true to it and we definitely did not put up with others partying during the season if we found out about it. If programs are able to hold their athletes to it and the athletes want to be in a program ran with those rules, more power to them. Personally I enjoyed being able to enjoy college life during the little bit of time that we had off the mat. Wrestling is such a grind and it was a good break during that time to be able to be a college student.
  4. There's 3 TX state champs in the 133lb bracket and two of them are from Allen this weekend.
  5. I would love to see DT there, but I think people are dreaming.
  6. Like said above, I think most of the Iowa wrestlers do like Tom and Terry. As far as the mat side antics, Gable had quite a few of those himself. Wrestling against the Hawks and being mat side, we would always be entertained by the Iowa bench. With that being said, we all loved it and respected the program and the man in charge. Just during competition we would use it to our advantage to fire ourselves up.
  7. I miss read the article. The Cuban should definitely be in the semi's then.
  8. Not receiving a medal is part of it. I feel bad for her, because it has to be crushing, but one of the first requirements is that you have to make weight. I feel worse for 2 other people in her weight. 1. Sarah now does not get to have a true Olympic gold medal match. People are always going to bring that up and that is not her fault. 2. I might even feel worse for the Japanese wrestler who lost in the semi's, but now does not get a chance to move on to the finals. It doesn't make sense to me that they would not advance her instead of advancing the Cuba.
  9. Todrank now trains and coaches in TX. He coaches at a club called WAR. To put it lightly this guy rubs everyone wrong. I have not talked to him and I will not talk to him, even when coaching against his club team, because I would probably lose it on him. He is a guy that has a lot of passion, but his immaturity is horrible. The way he acts during matches is rediculous. At first I wrote it off as a young coach with a lot of excitement, but he will start taunting wrestlers, saying comments to other wrestlers and coaches, and it is a sh*t show. After reading the article, it is probably just his personality, but moving into coaching, I hope for his sake he can clean it up and mature into acting like an adult.
  10. I personally have nothing wrong with people raising money for their family to go to watch them in Paris. How many people have that amount of extra cash lying around for a trip to the Olympics? You don't have to like people reaching out and asking for help, just shut up and ignore it. You have problems with RBY and some of the things he has done? Fine. Move on. Personally if I was a Olympic Athlete, I would love to have my family there to watch and I would bet that there would be a lot of other family members, fans, and people in the community that would love to get them there also.
  11. How in the world does this make the Olympics worse? Getting more qualities competitors in does not make it worse. Whose to blame someone wanting to be an Olympian? I don't find anything wrong with it. If I was good enough to have a shot, but through other means than not making it for the US, I see nothing wrong with that.
  12. Say what you want, these guys can't let themselves give any credit to Iowa.
  13. Zeke is a very nice guy, but would you care to elaborate on your undeniable enabler comment? I'm not attacking you for saying that, but I'm curious as to why you would say it.
  14. So you are saying that Coleman Scott wants David Taylor to have the Head job? I'm pretty sure Coleman Scott thinks he is a better fit than DT. Plus, this has to be a big kick in the balls to Smith. He hand picked Scott to come in and replace him. It sounds to me like Ok St. kind of went around Smith. I'm not saying that DT is a bad hire at all. In fact I think he is going to be great. It just feels to me that OK St. did Coleman really dirty.
  15. First of all, this is a great hire for OSU. Going out and getting Taylor, but it is a total screw job to Scott. I think it is a big kick in the nuts to Smith also. The entire coaching carousel at OK St. has been confusing to me and there were a lot of things that have led up to this that I would have never seen coming. The surprises to me started when Smith let Eric Guerrero go. He had been Smith's right hand man for many years. Then Esposito is gone. Next they lure Scott from a Head Coaching position at UNC to come in and coach with Smith in his final season. I can't believe people think that Scott would leave a Head job at UNC for just a chance at becoming the Head Coach at OK St. I would think that the only way he would leave is if he was told that he would be the man once Smith did retire. To me it seemed like a done deal and he was Smith's choice to replace him. I may be wrong here, but I wouldn't think that Scott would leave a Head Coaching job and move his family half way across the country if he was not told that the job was his and he is the one that legendary coach John Smith hand picked to continue the Oklahoma State legacy.
  16. I would think that being the AHC at V-Tech would be a step up. I'm not sure, but I doubt the pay at Columbia for a Head Coach would be great. V-Tech is a program that has some pretty good backing and money and I think Robie probably just went out and brought someone in that he thinks will help the program. I do not see Robie going anywhere for a while. Plus the cost of living in Blackburg compared to NYC has to make up for a pretty good chunk of money. Blackburg is a great College town also. I hope Columbia finds a good replacement, but I don't think it will be easy.
  17. Greco for me is very hard to watch. I know it is a very technical type of wrestling, but to me there is very little action besides two guys trying to beat each other down to the ground. Here is another take on it: My wife was watching the trials with my son and I. My son is a top level HS wrestler and has placed in the top three in FS the last two years in Fargo. My wife loves to watch him wrestle, but since she attends almost all of the Folkstyle season, she tends to be working more and has not made it to Fargo or any of the Regional tournaments that we attend. While watching Greco, she asks my son, "why don't you start specializing in Greco, since it seems like it would be easier to make the World and Olympic teams?" Of course my son did not like that she was implying that it is easier and he took it to heart and thought she meant that he would never make a World or Olympic Team in FS. My son's response, " Greco is stupid and why would I even want to wrestle it at that level when I think I can be the man in FS?" She asked him a few other questions in which he did not reply much and it was obvious that he did not want anything to do with Greco. He does wrestle Greco at most tournaments and he has done very well, but last year in Fargo, we let him only wrestle FS and that is what he wants to do from now on.
  18. For me it really sucked watching Taylor lose and that is not taking anything away from Brooks, I hope he goes and wins it all. Still at this moment, I cannot believe Taylor lost. So I got to thinking, why is this bothering me so much? I don't personally know him. I have met him a few times and he has always been awesome to fans and very approachable, but why is this so difficult to accept? Then it hit me. David Taylor to me, was the first kind of superstar in our sport since he was just a young kid. There have been plenty of others, but he was the first wrestler that I was able to really follow with all the new Social Media. Magic Man of the Mat was awesome and it really caught my attention and I started following him from there. He has always had that star power and his style of wrestling really made me a fan. I don't know what his next step will be in his wrestling career, but I wish him well and I hope he will stay actively involved with the sport.
  19. Unfortunately Dorian is not going to go the traditional route and go to College. (I'm not bashing him or his family here. I just wish everyone could see him wrestle.) He is a unbelievable talent and wrestler, but his family has chosen to go the grappling and mma route. I'm hoping he may continue with FS for a little while and take the Cejudo route, but I think they are looking for the pay day which I can't blame them and get him competing MMA pretty quickly. If you have not seem him wrestle before, check out some of his matches. The kid is legit.
  20. Prizlaff would be my choice. I love Askren and I have been close friends with him for a long time. Ben would not like playing by the rules that he would have to follow. Not breaking rules and cheating, but like everyone knows, Ben speaks his mind and he does not care about what people think. He will tell you exactly how he feels or sees something and that is not PC in the university world. He has done such a great job with AWA and hopefully whenever they do hire a new coach, that coach and Ben will be able to get along and UW can benefit from that.
  21. Read the question wrong. I didn't realize it said Kelvin Jackson.
  22. I don't know about current recruits, but I could see the current team rebel against them if the Ferrari's end up on the roster.
  23. I know as a fan, we want to see more matches and especially the marquee matches that we rarely see anymore until the Conference Championships or the NCAA'S. Looking at it though, it is hard to argue with Penn State and Cael's success. It definitely looks like the other top teams are following the same strategy also. Most duals do not feature the top match ups when they are suppose to.
  24. I do not see any way that he beats Starrochi. He is a very good wrestler, but he is nowhere near Starrochi right now. He might be able to keep in to a decision, but I think if they wrestle next season, Starrochi majors him.
  25. I'm sure somebody has already posted this somewhere, but what is the reason for his transfer? I'm a little surprised with the success he had this year and in his interviews he seemed to really care about his team and partners.
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