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Posts posted by Dogbone

  1. 18 hours ago, FanOfPurdueWrestling said:

    I too am shook by the Goodale hate here. They have fans, results, and recruits. 

    unless they’re looking to catch Penn State immediately (I.e. pour millions into big name coaching and NIL), I’d say they’re looking great. 

    I am in the middle.    I know he has improved the program since he arrived, but with their resources and recruiting advantages, I would think being in the top 10 every year would not be that high of standard for Rutgers wrestling. 

    It could be a case where he has taken the program as far as he can but the program has higher potential?

  2. Dake has 2 World Titles at 79KG and 2 world titles at 74KG.

    The only reason the Olympics have more weight in fans minds is because they bring in more non wrestling fans, just like all of the Olympic sports except basketball and golf.  

    No one pays attention to gymnastics or swimming until the Olympics either.

    Dake will be an Olympic champion and receive everything that comes with it, NBC coverage, Today Show, etc.  No one will reference that Russia didn't show.  

    If some losers on the internet want to say, well he won 4 world titles but his Olympic title isn't as great because Sidakov didn't participate.  so what.

  3. 46 minutes ago, poorwrestler said:

    This makes sense. I am curious though, to maintain eligibility after those two years, he had to have used two redshirts. Regular and Olympic. Does using those redshirts count as not competing? When a guy redshirts, do they have to redshirt tied to a specific team? Now I’m not even asking about Gable specifically, just in general. Being a compliance person for the NCAA would be a nightmare lol.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's a good question.  I don't know if competing during a red shirt year counts as a competition for the above exception but I know regular redshirts do not have to be tied to a specific team.  In general, you have 5 years to compete 4 years. 

    If you haven't been on scholarship for 2 years (because you weren't in school) it makes sense you wouldn't be tied to your original institution.

    The other question would be does Gable need to be on scholarship to compete and, if not, is that other loophole?  If he is going to get NIL, it could cover the cost of the scholarship, you would think the rules wouldn't prevent a "walk-on" from competing as strictly as scholarship athletes. And presumably he wasn't on scholarship at Minnesota the previous year (2 years?). 

  4. 22 hours ago, poorwrestler said:

    Okay, for curiosity sake then, since Grad transfers are still tied to the same window, what does that mean for someone like Gable Steveson?

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    I am not going to pretend to be an expert and admittedly this information might be outdated but I did find this:



    Also, I believe Minnesota can agree to waiver if they choose if an exception doesn't apply.   

  5. 13 hours ago, PortaJohn said:

    Sean Mcdermott (PA Native) is a big time college wrestling fan.  Maybe he sneaks him on to the practice squad for a year.  Get some money in his pocket.  I do think there is a niche in the NFL for former wrestlers to develop techniques that can translate to becoming a tackling coach.  It's god awful at times watching NFL d's trying to tackle.  Terrible form and technique


    Coming in for a visit is a long ways from making a roster, even practice squad.   Adam Coon was in mini camp with the Titans but was cut before the season. 

    I hope Gable can make a roster if that's what he chooses to pursue but my point is just because you get a call to workout or they have "interest" doesn't mean he will be with a team in the fall.   Teams sign a bunch of undrafted rookies this time of year and most get cut.   

    • Brain 1
  6. Is this a new PSU thing now?  Announcing you are coming back to use all of your eligibility.   Is it a by product of the extra covid year?  Maybe I missed it when other guys have done  and the PSU guys (Starocci and Kerk, RBY last year) have higher profile but I don't get. 

  7. NFL teams likely just want to kick the tires for a tryout or something.  Give him a small deal to come to a mini camp and then cut him.  At 265 he probably a D End?  Has he ever played football?

    MMA seems very logical but if I were him I would maximize the NIL value and wrestle one more year.  He won't get another shot again and can still do MMA after the season.

  8. Looks nice.  Some of the glass seems to go to other rooms so the natural light might be below the new standard for wrestling rooms.  

    It was also nice of Virginia Tech to let them use their wrestling mats. 

  9. 1 minute ago, poorwrestler said:

    I believe you have to declare an Olympic redshirt sometime prior to the actual trials, and that was never done.

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    the office bankrupcy GIF

    Maybe he did tho... 

  10. 2 minutes ago, BAC said:

    Yup.  How many other active coaches out there have both an Olympic medal AND a world title?  Not many. Outside of Kevin Jackson and the Brands bros I can't think of any.


    • Bob 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    The unwritten context to connect the dots is he was saying he was offered a lot TO LEAVE to another school and said no.  I see nothing hypocritical about what he said.

    Yes, I understand that it what he was implying.   I am not buying it.   He didn't turn down money to leave PSU out of loyalty.  He accepted PSU's NIL offer that was more than any other college wrestler "by a lot" 

    • Bob 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, BarSeries said:


    Yawn.  Starroci has become the girl who cried wolf.  

    Starocci also talked a lot of smack to JB and claimed he was going to make 163.   Not only could he not make the weight, he is now a 197 lber...

    He also claimed to be the highest paid NIL college wrestler "by a lot" but now claims he said no to big pay day.  

    He also wasn't going to come back because he hated school, which changed as soon as he was or wasn't offered a big paid that he accepted or didn't accepted depending on the day/his mood. 

    • Bob 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, fishbane said:

    I don't think it is ego (although that may be the case for NM1965) as much as it is logic.  There are talks of Gable being unbeatable in the room, but when he actually put in on the line and attempted a comeback to make the 1976 team he lost to to a college guy - Lee Kemp.  John Smith is the goat, but he lost multiple times to Reinoso who ended up losing to D2 guys when he came to America. 

    I expect many will have similar stories about David Taylor dominating the room at OSU.  Presumably near his peak he just lost to a college senior Aaron Brooks who was beaten by Marcus Coleman.  Taylor when asked about Kerkvliet kind of admitted to avoiding him in the room because of his size.

    The idea that Gable, Smith, Sanderson, Cunningham, Taylor ect by and large get the better of nearly all their wrestlers I would 't dispute, but they get to pick their spots and they are wrestling guys they know well.  In a match it would go differently sometimes.  There is a reason these guys are retired and coaching instead of competing.

    The really smart coaches wait until the 2nd half of practice when the studs are a little tired to jump in.   Helps keep the legacy going.  😎

    • Bob 4
    • Brain 3
    • Haha 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    Taylor is not going to put the RTC thing on the back burner. And the RTC athletes aren't like the coaches and athletes who have to "fit", you just want the biggest names you can get, so I assume he is gonna want the biggest name he has an inside track on.

    I wasn't assuming Taylor would get rid of him.  I was wondering if Fix wants to stay and train  in a new system when he has been in the OSU system his whole career.    What if Gilman in the RTC coach?  

  15. Does he stay in Stillwater for the next cycle?    He seems to bleed Okie St. Orange as much as anyone.  If DT cleans house and doesn't retain any OSU guys, does Fix remain in Stillwater? 


  16. Can't guys still enter the Portal? Now that the deadline has passed, they just need a waiver from their prior University to make them eligible next year or did that change?


  17. 13 hours ago, nhs67 said:

    The time you are indicating is Retherford and Johnny D, which was a 1 V 2 not a 2 V 4.  Irrelevant.

    The rules on how to make the team (#1-4) were clearly stated last fall.  Zahid chose not to even wrestle for #3.  He earned #4, not #3 and especially not #2.

    I also think he was cheated out of beating Brooks, just so that is also clear.

    Just because I believe he would have beaten Thicclay doesn't mean he did.  He didn't.  In fact, Thicclay took the mat in the Zahid - Thicclay match and had his hand raised.

    The time I was indicating was actually Lindland when it was ruled that USAW process was not fair and equitable to the athlete.  

    I also understand your argument (3>4) and agree that it would be the likely outcome of any hypothetical challenge/lawsuit.   Just because I don't find procedural arguments compelling when the parting setting the procedure wasn't forthcoming, doesn't mean that is how it will play out.

  18. 11 hours ago, NM1965 said:

    True that Iowa isn't as rich a recruiting territory as Pennsylvania, but there is no guarantee Cael wouldn't have landed all those dudes anyway if he'd stayed at ISU. 

    If you are ignoring all the money and resources that PSU has thrown at wrestling, I guess.

    PSU/NWLC have had a leg up on the field for a while, in part because Cael saw that possibility there and not at ISU.

    • Bob 1
  19. 1 hour ago, nhs67 said:

    To be clear I would have also advocated for Mesenbrink to challenge Dake at 74 KG, for Moore to challenge Snyder, and Gwiazdowski to challenge Parris if put in the same scenarios where the gent sitting out had lost, but they didn't.

    That said, Zahid doesn't have a fart's chance in a shit storm here.  He lost that right when he decided to not actually wrestle back, which Thicclay did.

    I get your point.  What is different for me is that 1) USAW didn't disclose that Brooks could be ineligible and 2) we know there will be a non-Olympic world championship and Zahid by being a returning medalist will be sitting out until the finals and de-facto #2 on the 92KG world team even if he loses.

    What is point of the wrestlebacks and determining the "team".  Stipend, opportunity to compete oversees, etc.  If Zahid is already getting those things by being on the 92KG rep/team member then he doesn't have a purpose to wrestle for the 3rd spot at 86KG.

    It's not like he just quit and said he didn't want to be a team member.  He will be on the 92 KG team if he wants.

    For USAW to claim their policy is the #3 guy gets moved up no matter what, but also not disclose the known possibility that this could occur as it might of changed Zahid's decision when he otherwise had no benefit to challenge for 3rd is the stuff that lawsuits are made of.   

    This isn't a guy got hurt so everyone move up situation, this is USAW not disclosing a  possible outcome that could have impact on the team/rep. 

    It wouldn't be the first time USAW procedure to be overturned in court. 

  20. 4 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    The only case he would have is IF Trent Thicclay turned down the opportunity to wrestle DT off for the spot (if they even had a 'special' special wrestleoff).

    Zahid has no case for #2.  He is #4.  That isn't how it works - he couldn't just leapfrog #3.  He chose to not wrestle for #3 and now he thinks he can choose to wrestle for #2?  GTFOH.

    Now if you said that Thicclay should 'sue' for the shot to wrestle DT, then yes.  I would agree with you there.

    Zahid decided that wrestling was too tough for him and didn't wrestle the matches required to earn the #3 spot.

    If I am Zahid I try and sue.  If I am Hidlay, I also try and sue.  

    Now, both may lose but I would still try it.  Hilday lost to Marsteller on the front side and was never going to make the team if Brooks was ineligible, but has a legitimate claim because he finished 3rd on the backside.  

    Zahid may actually be our best rep, unless USAW has a rule that you forfeit any chance you have to be on the team if you MFF out, then it is worth a shot.

  21. 5 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    I fail to see any reasoning as to why Gable would go back to Minnesota.

    Did he qualify for an Olympic redshirt this last year?  If he goes back he surely has to wrestle, right?

    Unless folks think he will be purely focused on MFS going forward and will go to Minnesota for that (a logical choice, mind you).

    Not to mention, he would have to have some commitment that Gable will stay in Minnesota and train with him the entire year.   Gable has been known to go back and forth, I wouldn't commit to Minnesota just because Gable said he was planning to return. 

    • Bob 1
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